“Do you discuss nutrition with your
patients?” the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy survey asked physicians. Three-quarters of them
replied “always” or “most of the time.” “Do you feel qualified to talk about
nutrition with your patients?” Again, 3 out of 4 said, “Yes.” To which I say,
“Watch out!”
I have cause to be concerned. The Medscape article which reported the findings
links them to two pieces: 1) A “recent
study” that “associates…a
sub-optimal diet” with “a substantial proportion of deaths in the United States
due to heart disease, stroke and diabetes,” and 2) another that nudges
physicians to “know what advice to give.” It couches this advice
as “evidence-based nutritional advice” to help healthcare professionals deal
with “information overload” on diet and nutrition. The whole point – the
pretext for the Tufts “survey” – was to
“educate” physicians and other healthcare professionals with that advice, i.e., their agenda-driven
I agree there’s an association of
“heart disease, stroke and diabetes” with a sub-optimal diet…a very strong
association. Deaths from heart disease and stroke are much higher among type 2 diabetics and “pre-diabetics.” This
association has led to the phrase “cardiometabolic disease” (CMD). But, again,
on which diet did they become diabetic and develop heart disease? The Tufts
answer (“evidence-base”) is just “association.”
The study was presented at the
American Heart Association Epidemiology and Prevention-Lifestyle and
Cardiometabolic Health (EPI-Lifestyle) 2017 Scientific Session. The findings
were also commented on in Medscape by researchers from the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Welch Center for Prevention
Epidemiology. More epidemiologists! Epidemiology
suggests hypotheses, not cause and effect!
Why is that significant? Because
epidemiology can only address “associated
with” and “related to” findings.
But that does not deter them. This “poor diet” link, using “comparative risk
assessment models,” estimates that 45% of cardiometabolic disease (CMD) deaths were
with” 10 dietary factors, and that these factors have “‘probable
or convincing evidence’ for causality” (my emphasis).
Epidemiologists are shameless in their reckless disregard for a basic tenet of
the scientific method: Correlation does not imply causation.
The “10 dietary [death] factors”
ranged in descending order from a high of 9.5% for 1) salt (“excess sodium”),
to 2) low intake of nuts/seeds, 3) high intake of processed meats, 4) low
seafood omega-3 fats, 5) low intake of vegetables, 6) low intake of fruits, 7)
high sugar-sweetened beverages, 8) low intake of whole grains, 9) low intake of
polyunsaturated fats and finally, at 0.4%, to 10) high intake of unprocessed red meats.
Hmmm… Zero point four percent does not strike me as statistically significant, but I
guess they just had to include red meat.
We can also be grateful that a low
intake of polyunsaturated fats (corn oil, soy bean oil, etc), at 2.3%, ranked
only 8th on the list. A higher intake, as they advocate, would, IMHO, only have
raised the risk of death greatly.
This is what
your doctor, if (s)he was not on the
golf course, is learning and says (s)he knows about nutrition. To relieve
“information overload,” Tufts gives these 6 educational talking points from the
to give” link.
Choose foods with a
wide variety of colors and textures, in their most natural forms. [check]
Avoid or dramatically
minimize processed foods. [check]
Choose realistic, balanced
[not low-carb] diets for
weight loss and weight maintenance.
Consume healthy oils
for heart health: fish, olive, avocado. [good,
all MONOs, no mention of PUFAs]
Forego red meat [saturated
fat] and live longer [a little editorializing? They just
couldn’t resist!].
Consume fermented
foods/probiotics and fiber for gastrointestinal and overall health. [check]
This is just the
Government’s plant-based, one-size-fits-all, Mediterranean diet. It
doesn’t mention carbs or type 2 diabetes, and if you are currently lean and healthy and ate this way, you could
stay healthy. For the rest of us, balanced would need to be carefully
defined, and avoiding all polyunsaturated vegetable oils
stressed. Personally, though, I would rather embrace carnivory
than give up red meat for a 0.4% increase in CMD death.