If the subject matter of this post turns you off, good! I’m
going to get personal, and I’m not especially fond of the idea of your reading
about my bladder dysfunction. But the truth is, my urologist thinks, and my
internist agrees, that as a 32-year type 2 diabetic, I may have begun to show a
sign of diabetic neuropathy.
His Dx: that I have a neurogenic bladder that
appears to be responsible for a worsening eGFR. What’s that, you ask?
An eGFR, “estimated glomerular flow
rate,” is a lab test of kidney function. It is a common marker for Chronic
Kidney Disease (CKD) and is evaluated on a scale of declining kidney function
(5 stages ending with end-stage kidney disease, and renal dialysis. That
“complication” is called nephropathy,
the second of three possible microvascular complications of long-term type 2 diabetes. The third is retinopathy (leading to blindness).
So, what is a normal eGFR? According to Wikipedia, the
National Kidney Foundation defines, “a normal GFR for adults as greater
than 90 mL/min/1.73m2.” “Because the calculation works best for
estimating reduced kidney function, actual numbers are only reported once
values are less than 60. Normal GFR values are largely over
60 in healthy subjects, at least before the age of 70 years. However, we
know that GFR physiologically decreases with age, and in adults older than 70
years, values below 60 could be considered normal.”
My doctor began to request eGFR tests for me in 2011,
one month before I turned 70. For three years, the next nine tests were all
≥60. Then, starting in 2015, 5 of the next 7 were below 60 (mostly low 50s);
then, last summer I had a 43, which repeated at 47 and 45 (average of 3 = 45).
I also wanted to know why I peed a lot and so little, so my urologist undertook
a series of tests and examinations. We think we now know the answer.
I have a very
large bladder – over a one-liter capacity – and it doesn’t completely empty
despite the urethra having a clear passage through the prostate. The reason,
apparently, is neuropathy: the muscle
that normally contracts the bladder to make me “void” isn’t getting a signal to
contract from my nervous system. Hence, the enlarged bladder and
the frequent urge to urinate small amounts that I’ve observed since the
beginning of the year. The urologist ordered a prescription to relax the muscle
in the neck of the bladder, but it didn’t help.
As a result, his thinking goes, when my enlarged
bladder is really full, and not emptying much, urine backs up the ureters to
the kidneys; and this back pressure on the kidneys
is beginning to cause the reduced kidney function (lower eGFRs). My internist
concurred and added that back pressure affects both kidneys, and I only have
two! He also stressed that I must drink plenty of fluids
because dehydration also causes kidney damage.
My urologist has now twice suggested that the best
option for me at this point is self-catheterization. I have reluctantly come to
the same conclusion. Ugh! My plan is to live to be 100, and to do that I’ll
need my kidneys, such as they are. When I was in my 40s, the idea of taking a
pill every day for the rest of my life was anathema. Now, I take a handful
twice a day. So be it. At least I can say I am “otherwise healthy,” knock on
The “plan” (the urologist’s ploy to get me to start)
was to have me catheterize myself three times a day for a few weeks and then do
another eGFR. If my kidney function improves, that is, if my eGFR increases, as he thinks it may, then I
will have to continue with catheterization from that point forward (until I get
to 100 or otherwise expire), to preserve the benefits. Apparently, no other
remedy is available for a neurogenic bladder.
Two subsequent eGFRs, performed at two-week intervals
after catheterization began, were improved (53 and 55). A third, 2 months
later, was, alas, back down to a disappointing 47. So, now we’ll just have to “wait
and see.”
In the meantime, the message here is to take notice of changes in your daily
habits (like frequency of urination) and discuss it with your doctor(s) before you too have no choice but to
“siphon the python.” Happy New Year!