The Nutrition Debate #88,” Reversal
of Type 2 Diabetes,” proved to be a very popular post; it has had over 8,200
page- views. But let me be clear: I do not believe that Type 2 diabetes can be
“cured,” and so I can understand if someone reading that post (#88) might have
felt misled. That was not my intention. Nor was I consciously intending to glom
readers by attracting them with “click bait” to an appealing prospect through a
headline. I was simply reporting on a paper in a peer-reviewed British medical
journal that had precisely
that title; that’s why my blog title was in quotes.
The paper was very interesting. Its AIMS/HYPOTHESIS was that “Type 2 diabetes is regarded as inevitably
progressive, with irreversible beta cell failure. The hypothesis was
tested that both beta cell failure and insulin resistance can be reversed by
dietary restriction of energy intake.” Okay, it’s a hypothesis. Its aim
is to challenge an assumed truth – one that virtually all medical practitioners
believe – that Type 2 diabetes is “inevitably progressive.” And they tested it
by “dietary restriction of energy intake” alone. To be clear,
they did it with fewer calories,
NOT fewer carbohydrates.
The hypothesis sprang from the observation that “normal
glucose metabolism is restored within days after bariatric surgery in the majority
of people with Type 2 diabetes.” “There
is now no doubt,” they concluded and report in their COUNTERPOINT STUDY,
“that this reversal of diabetes depends upon the sudden and profound decrease
in food intake, and does not relate to any direct surgical effect.” Again, that’s
food (total energy) intake, NOT carbohydrates.
only a little less assertive than their hypothesis: “Normalization of both beta
cell function and hepatic insulin sensitivity in Type 2 diabetes was achieved
by dietary energy restriction alone. This was associated with decreased
pancreatic and liver triacylglycerol stores. The abnormalities underlying Type
2 diabetes are reversible by reducing dietary energy intake.” Okay, they hedge
a bit. They say “the abnormalities underlying Type 2 diabetes are reversible…”
But they still use the word “reversible.” That’s pretty strong, but they are
scientists and provide the data to support their findings: normalization of pancreatic
and liver fat cells (triglycerides).
My inveterate editor discovered a follow-up study done by
the same researchers, and I reported on in The Nutrition Debate #89, “’Reversal
of Type 2 Diabetes’ Revisited.” Unfortunately, it glommed only 725-page views,
but in it the authors reported on “individuals (who) began to feed back their
personal experiences of attempting to reverse their diabetes.” CONCLUSION: “These data demonstrate
that intentional weight loss achieved at home by health-motivated individuals
can reverse Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes reversal should be a goal in the
management of Type 2 diabetes.”
This and other work by these researchers earned them the
high privilege of presenting the ADA’s “The 2012 Banting
Memorial Lecture: Reversing the twin cycles of Type 2 diabetes.” So, they are clearly not fringe researchers.
They are scientists looking for answers to why and how the “underlying
abnormalities” of Type 2 diabetes are “reversed.” From my perspective, they
have certainly demonstrated to their medical peers that their work deserves a much
closer look.
paper based on the Banting Lecture was published in Diabetes, the American Diabetes Association’s magazine. The
abstract concludes: “It is now clear that
Type 2 diabetes is a reversible condition of intra-organ fat excess to which
some people are more susceptible than others.” But they’re talking about
“pancreatic and liver triglycerides.” My
readers are not particularly interested in their pancreatic and liver
triglycerides. People with Type 2 Diabetes want to know how to “eradicate” the
damn disease. Ideally with just a pill, and definitely without bariatric
readers are also interested in what they can do, if anything, to avoid being
“more susceptible.” Well, there is a course of action you can take, and it is
stated in the CONCLUSION of the overlooked post, Retrospective #89:
“These data demonstrate that intentional weight loss
achieved at home by health-motivated individuals can reverse Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes reversal should be a goal in the management of Type 2 diabetes.”
In my book the best
way to lose weight is to eat Low Carb, not 3 cans of Optifast (510kcal), the 46.4%
carb liquid diet formula used in this study. Very Low Carb is 5% carb, Low Carb 15% carb and even Moderate Low Carb
is 25% carb.