I know I kvetch a lot, but you take the food quiz posted at
Medscape Medical News and see if you
wouldn’t kvetch about their answers on this “web resource for physicians and
medical professionals.” Medscape is owned by WebMD and covers news, information
and CMEs (Continuing Medical Education) for almost 2-dozen specialties.
The first question will illustrate, I
think, that my caviling is justified:
Q. Increasing
fruit consumption has been recommended for primary prevention of many chronic
Which of
these fruits is specifically associated with reducing the risk of developing
a. Blueberries
b. Strawberries
c. Oranges
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Okay. Something that is good for
“many chronic diseases” doesn’t mean it is good for a Type 2 diabetic who is by
Increasing fruit consumption is what the entire population has been told to
eat, regardless of medical condition. It is in conformance with the
government’s Dietary Guidelines, a one-size-fits-all approach to “healthy
eating”. The narrative justifying the “correct” answer (blueberries) goes on to
mention grapes (although noting their high glycemic
index), as reducing diabetes risk. It also touts apples, bananas
and grapefruit. I’m surprised it didn’t include cherries, raisins and figs, all
higher still in sugars!
I’ve read the research “associating”
certain fruits with lower risk of diabetes, but these observational studies are bad science and just confirm the
“healthy user” bias of the participants, which combined with so many other
confounding factors, such as socio-economic variables, makes them worthless.
And while it is true that blueberries do contain healthy phytochemicals, they
also contain a lot of sugar, much more than strawberries, for
instance. If you have a problem with giving up most fruit, read Retrospective
#138, “Fruit, the 3rd Rail for Prospective Low Carbers.”
The last question was just more of
the same, but at least it takes a swipe at the “low-fat” diet. On that, we
Q. Which of
these diets is the most effective for diabetes primary prevention in people
with cardiovascular risk?
a. Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin
olive oil
b. Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts
c. Low-fat diet
d. All of the above showed similar benefits on diabetes
prevention in this population.
The “correct” answer is “a.” Medscape
explains: “Among these 3 diets, only the Mediterranean regimen enriched with
extra-virgin olive oil reduces significantly the risk for T2DM, and actually
cuts it by about one third compared with a low-fat diet.” There’s another nail
in the coffin of the low-fat diet, but how much better the study would have
been had it compared the “Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin
olive oil” with a Low Carb High Fat diet.
“In summary,” Medscape concludes,
“There is no recommendation for a specific diet to prevent T2DM, although the
American Diabetes Association has advised people with diabetes to focus on
overall healthy eating patterns and personal preference.” I reported this in
Retrospective #155, “Cowabunga, the ADA makes the turn.” It was written by
Medical Nutrition Therapists, not clinicians, but it was commissioned and
endorsed by the ADA Executive Committee.
So, perhaps my kvetching is just an
attempt to balance the scale – to teach physicians and medical professionals
that the foods that affect Type 2
diabetics are CARBOHYDRATES. And that, “It is the position of the American
Diabetes Association (ADA) that there is not a “one-size-fits-all” eating
pattern for individuals with diabetes.”
I took another look at this momentous shift in Retrospective #167, “An
Editorial: ‘Making the Turn.’” As I reread it, I was reminded that every yin
has its yang. The glass is both half full and half empty, depending on how you look
at it.
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