“Skipping breakfast
doesn't cause weight gain,” Stephan Guyenet, PhD, obesity researcher and
blogger at Whole Health
Source, mockingly tweeted. Guyenet attached a
link to a randomized controlled trial published
online in November 2014 in the Journal of
Nutritional Science, a Cambridge University Press, UK, peer-reviewed publication.
This study had a HYPOTHESIS,
a STUDY DESIGN and an ABSTRACT. The ABSTRACT began, “Eating breakfast may reduce appetite,
body weight and CVD risk factors, but the breakfast type that produces the
greatest health benefits remains unclear.
We compared the effects of consuming a high-fibre breakfast, a non-fibre
breakfast, or no-breakfast control on body weight, CVD risk factors and
appetite.” They seriously proposed to “clear up” this “unclear” condition.
The RESULT: “Skipping breakfast leads
to weight loss but also elevated cholesterol compared with consuming daily
breakfasts of oat porridge or frosted cornflakes in overweight individuals: a
randomized controlled trial.”
Interestingly, this paper had no CONCLUSION.
But, the end of DISCUSSION began, “In summary, the present study shows that in
overweight individuals, skipping breakfast daily for 4 weeks leads to a
reduction in body weight, but this is accompanied by an increase in total
cholesterol compared with consuming either a frosted cornflakes or oat porridge
breakfast.” To be clear: Everybody
knows that elevated total cholesterol concentrations are bad,
Then – and this is where I started to
get cynical – the “summary” continues: “There were no differences in changes in
body weight or total cholesterol concentrations between the groups consuming
the frosted
cornflakes no-fibre breakfast or the group that consumed the high-fibre
oat porridge breakfast. These findings suggest that although skipping breakfast
may be the more effective strategy to achieve weight loss than eating
breakfast, there are associated detrimental effects
total cholesterol concentrations” (emphases added). This is a UK publication,
and the “fibre” spelling is for Brits, who eat a lot of “oat porridge.” We call
it oatmeal in the U.S.
Let’s cut to the chase. “The present
study was funded by the Quaker Oats Center of Excellence.” The Quaker Oats division
of PepsiCo made the high-fibre oat porridge used in the study. Their
competitor, Kellogg’s, is the world’s second-largest snack company (after
Pepsico) and makes the “no-fibre cornflakes.” And they call this “science.”
There was no attempt by the authors,
their peer reviewers or the funders to conceal the purpose of funding this
study. “The aim,” the ABSTRACT concludes, “of the present study was to
investigate the effects of consuming a high-fibre oat porridge, an isocaloric
non-fibre cornflakes breakfast, and a no-breakfast water control daily for 4
weeks on body-weight changes, subjective appetite and CVD risk factors in
overweight but otherwise healthy individuals.”
Stepping back for a minute from the
obvious “editorial bias,” several queer things struck me about this study when
I first read it. For one, why wouldn’t
any serious, unbiased scientist, who didn’t have a funder to satisfy, and was
genuinely interested in a breakfast type that “reduces appetite, body weight
and CVD risk factors,” and “produces the greatest
health benefits,” include an isocaloric breakfast of bacon and
eggs? Well, I guess that is clear now.
For another, according to the Study
Design, the “data were collected in 1998 and 1999.” So, why is this old NYC
study being dredged up and republicized in the UK in 2014? Perhaps it didn’t
pass peer-review muster the first time, or perhaps Quaker Oats/Pepsico was just
trying to get some more mileage out of their previously funded research with
some new marketing in the U.K. Let’s be clear: Quaker
Oats/Pepsico is a world-wide cereal marketer, and this study was just a hack
job designed, in the way drug trials are designed, to show skipping a cereal
breakfast is detrimental to your health. Nobody intended the outcome to
advocate not eating breakfast.
That wouldn’t be good for business.
Frankly, I was unaware of the widespread “conventional wisdom” in
Guyenet’s mockery that skipping breakfast causes weight gain. I eat an
“isocaloric” breakfast of bacon and eggs (protein and fat, not
carbohydrates) with heavy whipping cream in my coffee. If I were going to skip
a meal – because I wasn’t hungry or I was trying to lose weight, I’d skip lunch,
not breakfast. My wife makes breakfast, and she says she married me for better
or worse, but not for lunch.
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