With this column (#500), I will cease publication on
Blogger of the Retrospective Series of “The Nutrition Debate,” renamed at some point,
“Type 2 Nutrition.” The daily Retrospective Series posts were edited versions
of my original posts begun in 2010. The Retrospectives were begun in
anticipation of a possible book.
None of this endeavor would have been possible without
my intrepid editor, Laurie Weakley. From the very beginning, she has been there
for me and my faithful readers. Of the original 500 weekly posts, she
never missed a timely, thorough and professional review of even one –
and she did it entirely pro bono. Laurie recognized, without my ever mentioning
it, that 1) my writing skills left much room for improvement and 2) my
motivation was purely educational outreach (not a commercial enterprise). She
wanted to help with both.
Laurie was formerly a university librarian. She is
smart and highly skilled in computers, very well read in the physical sciences
(and otherwise), and extremely well organized with a vast library of saved
hyperlinks. She also has the skill to improve a writer’s message without
changing it. She’s flexible to adapt to a writer’s style, a very good
communicator and has a soft touch when making corrections and suggestions. In case
I haven’t made myself clear, I highly recommend Laurie Weakley to anyone looking
for a highly qualified editor.
I originally began writing this column at the
invitation of the editor/publisher of a local weekly newspaper. He published my
columns as “content” to fill space between ads. He published about 20 columns
and then lost interest in “all the low-carb stuff.” A few years later, he
ceased publication of the weekly newspaper too,
On the other hand, interest in “the low carb stuff,” has
increased exponentially. For me it began in 2002 with The New York Times Sunday
Magazine cover story, “What If It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie,” by the heralded
science writer Gary Taubes. Taubes based his story on research but
fundamentally vouchsafed for Robert Atkins, MD. I’m very glad to say, it got my
doctor’s attention. He just wanted to lose weight,
and he wanted me to as well. So did I. He tried the diet recommended
and lost 17 pounds in 6 weeks. My doctor then suggested I try it too.
And the rest, as they say, is history. By the time the
local newspaper publisher asked me to write a column for him, I had lost 170
pounds, first on Atkins Induction (20g of carbs a day), 60 pounds over 9 months,
and then another 110 on Dr. Richard K. Bernstein’s 6-12-12 program for
diabetics. I also learned a lot by lurking on Bernstein’s on-line “Diabetes
Forum.” And in the first week on Atkins Induction, I had 3 hypos, and he took
me off virtually all 3 of my oral anti-diabetes meds (all except 500
Metformin), putting my diabetes “in remission.”
My doctor knew he was going “off label” by prescribing
“very low carb” for weight loss, so he monitored me monthly for a year. In that
time, and in the 18 years since, I never had a hypo again. In addition, my HDL
more than doubled, my triglycerides dropped by more than 2/3rds and he took me
off the statin he had prescribed.
My column’s focus these last 10 years has remained the
same: Type 2 Diabetes is a dietary disease. It is best
treated with a Very Low Carb diet. Since 2010 I have had about 425k page views
on Blogger, plus with the daily Retrospective Series, an unknown number on
Facebook and Twitter. But that pales in comparison to the giants, many of whom
arose after I began. Dietdoctor.com, I think, now gets about over 400k hits a
Andreas Eenfeldt, MD (dietdoctor.com), and Jason Fung,
MD (The Jason Fung Fan Club – Fasting Support) are today two of the brightest
stars in the nutrition firmament and among my favorite places to visit. They
deserve our profound gratitude and thanks for their pioneering
work and courage. But for me, personally, I am hugely indebted to my intrepid
editor, Laurie Weakley, who stayed with me for almost 10 years in my weekly foray
into the blogosphere.
you, Laurie. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for your support and
encouragement…and help.