My “food
rules” haven’t changed much since I started eating Very Low Carb in September 2002. At the my doctor’s suggestion, to lose weight, I began with Atkins Induction:
20 grams of carbs a day. It worked in the way my doctor intended. I lost 60
pounds in 9 months. It also worked in another way that was unintended, or at
least not anticipated. In the 1st
week I had to come off nearly all 3 oral
diabetes medications that I was on.
As best I can
remember, the Atkins protocol only addressed carbohydrates at the time . That’s worth
noting. It’s only – okay, well largely
– only carbs that matter. To
lose weight (lots of it – I eventually lost 180+ pounds), you only need to
restrict – severely, I’ll admit – CARBOHYDRATES.
So, if all
you need to know, to lose lots of weight and greatly improve your health, is
to severely
limit the carbs you eat, the first thing you need to learn is: what foods
contain carbs. Today, there are many ways to go about doing this: 1) You can
“count carbs.” That’s what I did. From the start, I estimated portion sizes,
used on-line sources for carb counts and recorded everything I ate in an Excel
chart I created; or 2) You can use an on-line service to do the work for you,
but be careful; many of these sources are much too lax in their allowed foods.
They think you “can’t” or want to eat in a way that severely limits
your carb intake. They’re too friendly to the weak-willed or insufficiently
motivated, or 3) Once you know what foods are carbs, you can just totally (or
mostly) avoid them, in most meals or by fasting. Whichever way you choose,
once you learn about carbs, remember: you just have to stick with Very
Low Carb.
I learned
what I needed to know, and then I ate (mostly) in compliance with this new
knowledge. The foods I ate, were primarily protein and fat – saturated fat
that is an inherent component of animal protein. If you aren’t prepared to do
that, you will have a tough row to hoe. Artificially manufactured vegetable
oil (polyunsaturated) fats are inherently unhealthy,
and you must eat fat with protein.
Protein has primarily cellular and hormonal functions. And you need healthy saturated fats, and some
monounsaturated fats like olive oil, to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D,
E and K.
As I lost
weight by eating mostly protein and good fats,, I discovered I needed less
food to feel full. I wasn’t hungry most
of the time. My body was in mild ketosis, just ketotic enough to burn body fat
as an energy source. Fat and carbs are the only two sources
of energy. I didn’t need to
eat carbs for energy. My body fat provided all the energy needed.
That’s when
I started to ask myself: If I’m not hungry, why am I eating 3 meals a day? My
body runs well on its own fat (and some ketones), so, if I’m not hungry, why
eat just because it’s a certain time of day. I started having just coffee with heavy cream for
“breakfast,” and skipping lunch or just being sure lunch was only
protein with some fat so I could stay mildly ketotic and not be
hungry. At supper, just eating a small meal of animal protein (with saturated
fat) and a portion of low-carb vegetables tossed in butter or roasted in olive
oil, was always enough for me.
But I
sometimes snacked. My snacking was always just before supper (happy hour).
When I was on anti-diabetes meds (sulfonylureas) that was always the time of
day when my blood sugar was lowest. My snacking may be cultural as well. I
have always enjoyed a glass of wine, or two. (I only drink spirits in a
restaurant or when we have guests for dinner.) And with wine I might have
radishes with salt and butter or celery with anchovy paste, or stuffed olives.
My cheats are 1) once in a while I’ll steal some of
my wife’s ice cream from the freezer, or 2) in a restaurant, eat a roll with
butter or olive oil. Rarely, I’ll share a dessert. These are indulgences.
Simple pleasures, from a previous life almost forgotten. The best part of
eating Very Low Carb almost all the
time, besides the stellar labs, is how well I feel. I am often “pumped,”
almost euphoric. The mood difference is palpable. It’s not just knowing I
am no longer fat!
Oh, and did
I mention... I have saved a lot of money on
drugs and food. And my blood pressure is lower. And my HDL doubled and my
triglycerides dropped by 2/3rds. And I don’t have to take a statin. And my
chronic systemic inflammation blood marker (hsCRP) is way lower. And
I did it without exercise (and saved lots of time and gym costs).
Thanks, Health Care!