Okay, I admit it. I was predisposed to riff on and dis this
story in Medscape Medical News, “Diabetes Medications: Should
You Deprescribe Them in the Elderly?” By posing a question, the headline was
written, I thought, to suggest a hypothesis that tight control was neither
necessary nor desirable IN THE ELDERLY, generally. It
turns out, I am in general agreement with the author’s ideas and her specific
When I first saw this headline I told my wife that if, when I
read the piece later, the first paragraph didn’t de-sensationalize the subject,
I was going to write a rant condemning it on the principal that such an idea
should be advocated only on a very limited basis. Well, the
first paragraph did
de-sensationalize the subject.
The thrust of the article was “lowering the dose of ‘these’
drugs in patients at risk of hypoglycemia or other antihyperglycemic
adverse effects, or in whom the drug’s benefit is uncertain, due to frailty, dementia, or limited life
expectancy. Since the authors define “elderly” as age ≥ 65 years, I would
strongly disagree over the definition of “limited life expectancy,” Haven’t the
authors heard that 85 is the new 65? I guess not. ;-)
It turns out Medscape was reporting on yet another deprescribing project of the
Bruyère Research Institute (BRI) in Ottawa, Canada. This deprescribing idea, in
general, sounds like a laudatory objective, especially since the primary antihyperglycemic
target of this report was sulfonylureas
(SUs), specifically Glyburide.
In this, I totally agree. Glyburide depletes the pancreas’ insulin supply, thus,
while lowering the patient’s blood glucose, also depletes the organ’s
capacity to continue to make insulin and puts the patient at high
risk of hypoglycemia, which is BRI’s point.
The secondary target of the report
is injected insulin, specifically
an old-fashioned, “high risk” form, NPH. The BRI report suggests, instead,
“deprescribing” NPH and substituting insulin detemir or glargine. And instead
of prescribing glyburide, it suggests that doctors switch their patients to
“short or long acting gliclazide.”
Where the BRI report, and Medscape, miss the mark, in my
opinion, is in the overly broad statement that “many older patients with
diabetes are still being treated to A1c <7%.” They explicitly accept the suggestion that people over 65 should be
held to a more lax standard: <7.5% in healthy older adults and <8.5%
in the very frail elderly. BRI’s purpose is to avoid “those medications that can contribute to a low blood sugar” –
in other words, hypos.
Regrettably, this relaxed standard is only necessary because
of the failed treatment protocol dictated by the failed dietary
paradigm prescribed by government and the entire medical establishment. Such high A1c’s are totally unnecessary.
Type 2 diabetes is a dietary disease.
But the report does provide evidence of the adverse clinical
effects associated with tight glycemic
control (with medications) on the elderly: cardiovascular events, cognitive
impairment, fractures, reduced quality of life, increased emergency room
visits, and hospitalization for hypoglycemia associated with a poor prognosis. All
of these are outcomes of medication regimens, and all can be mitigated by “deprescribing” in
the way BRI advocates, they assert.
There is, however, another way, a way that
achieves a safe and low blood sugar without the high risk associated with SU’s
like glyburide, and injected insulins like NPH, or even detemir or glargine.
The article suggests various antihyperglycemic agents that have no risk of
hypoglycemia, such as DPP-4s, GLP-1s agonists, and Metformin. My doctor actually
laughed when I asked him if I could
get a hypo from Met while practicing
extended fasting. ;-)
There is also another way for the “elderly” to
manage their blood sugar and also to completely avoid the risk of
hypoglycemia: to eat in a way
that doesn’t raise your blood sugar. That way: eat Very Low Carb (VLC).
was able to quickly stop all my diabetes meds (except Metformin) and lower my A1c from the mid 6s to 5.0%,
by eating VLC. My doctor had to immediately deprescribe my diabetes meds
to “treat” several hypos in the first
week! That was almost 18 years ago, and I haven’t had a hypo since, and I
am now considered, clinically, non-diabetic. Now, I think you’d
agree that that’s an even better outcome than switching from one
antihyperglycemic med to another.
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