I’ll bet you’ve never heard of this
diet! Am I right? Well, if you haven’t, it’s because there isn’t
a diet as such. It’s an outcome actually, of eating a certain way that achieves
a low blood insulin level. And that is a very
good outcome, as I’ll explain. It’s also the natural outcome, as
I will show, of eating the way our ancestor ate. The problem is there’s no way
yet of knowing, objectively, from a simple (inexpensive) blood test, that you’ve
achieved that desired outcome.
As a consequence, once you have
achieved this outcome – until a cheap blood test is available – you will have
to rely on a surrogate marker to know if, how and when you have achieved your
goal: a low blood insulin level.
To understand “how,” we’ll need to
delve into a little basic human physiology. Insulin is a hormone that has
multiple roles in metabolism and fat partitioning. It is secreted by the
pancreas, a small gland near the stomach, in response to eating carbohydrates.
And as carbs are digested into glucose, insulin accompanies them into the
bloodstream and acts to “open the door” of the cells where the glucose is taken
up for energy.
So, when you eat carbs, your blood insulin
level naturally rises. And the glucose from the carbs you ate are in excess of your
energy needs, they are stored or, when storage is full, by a process called de
novo lipogenesis, the liver converts them to fat and stores them in your
fat cells. Then, as the circulating glucose is absorbed and burned or stored or
converted to fat, your blood insulin level drops. And that is what a normally
functioning glucose metabolism does.
Then, in that normally functioning
glucose metabolism, when you blood insulin level goes low between meals, when
you body calls for energy for whatever purpose (basal metabolic or
activity), your low blood insulin level signals the liver to take energy from
those recently refilled or other fat cells. Your fat cells cycle the
triglycerides back into your blood stream (broken down as free fatty acids),
and you get all the energy you need from your stored fat. Again, that is what a
normally functioning glucose metabolism does. A low blood insulin level allows
your body to continuously access stored body fat to maintain energy balance,
including any level of energy required by your activities.
But what happens if for years and
years, to avoid “saturated fat and cholesterol,” you have eaten – as you’ve
been told – a diet very high in carbohydrates? And what happens
if that diet, for your “convenience,” is mostly processed carbs from prepared
foods or products sold in boxes and bags? And what if, to make the food more
“palatable,” sugar (a simple, easily digestible carb) is added to virtually all
processed foods, e.g., store-bought bread or peanut butter?
What happens is that for many people the
body resists the unnaturally high level of glucose in the bloodstream. The
transport hormone – the insulin accompanying glucose in your blood, it unable
to open the cell that needs the energy. Those cells have developed Insulin
Resistance. Well, the glucose and the insulin, continue
to circulate, the cells don’t get the glucose energy they need, and because
your blood insulin level is still high, your liver can’t access your
stored body fat for the needed energy. So, your metabolism slows, and you feel
tired… and sluggish…and hungry.
If you are one of those who has
developed…over many years…a degree of Insulin Resistance, your doctor has no
direct measurement to find out. He doesn’t have an affordable or insurance
reimbursable test that he can use to measure your blood insulin level.
But she, and you, have a few good surrogates: 1) you body fat
level. The cause of obesity, or “overweight,” is not sloth or lack of activity.
It is Insulin Resistance. If you have a “touch” of Insulin Resistance,
your elevated blood insulin is being transported back to your
liver where it converts it to fat, and your elevated blood insulin
is blocking body fat from being used for energy when your body needs it, so you’re
hungry and you eat for energy.
Another surrogate is an elevated
blood glucose level. Your doctor can easily test for this, either with a
hemoglobin A1c test which measure the glucose on your red blood cells over 3
months. This is a good surrogate because, as we say, if you have an elevated
blood glucose, it is because you have an elevated blood
insulin because of Insulin Resistance.
If you have Insulin Resistance,
the precursor condition for Type 2 Diabetes, you can treat it yourself by not
eating the foods that make your body produce and transport insulin to help your
body take up glucose: CARBOHYDRATES.
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