1 A Very Brief (and Necessarily Selective) History of Human Nutrition (and Dieting)
2 Nutrition 101: A Primer on the Fundamentals of Nutrition
3 Ancel Keys and the Lipid Hypothesis
4 Big Government, Big Pharma, and Poor Little Dr. Atkins
5 Gary Taubes and the Alternative Hypothesis
6 “Energy In = Energy Out”: An Alternative Interpretation
7 Are You a “Sugar Burner” or a “Fat Burner”?
8 Epidemiologically Speaking: Patterns of Health and Illness
9 Metabolic Syndrome, the American Disease of Civilization
10 Carbohydrates, Insulin and Pre-Diabetes
11 Why We Get Fat
12 Turning the Titanic: Who’s in Charge of Your Health
13 Is Our Diet Really Changing? Have You Noticed Lately?
14 The New “Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010”
15 Did Grandma Know About Macronutrients and Phytochemicals
16 Diets and Dieting: Had Enough? Ready to Move On?
17 Michel Pollan: Pied Piper of Pseudo Paleo Prandial Principles
18 Paleolithic Nutrition and the Archevore Diet
19 The Archevore Way of Eating a la Dr. Kurt G. Harris, MD
20 Know Your Dietary Fats: Saturated and Unsaturated
21 The Dangers of Polyunsaturated Fats
22 Too Much Omega 6; Too Little Omega 3
23 The Benefits of Saturated Fats
24 What About Cholesterol?
25 Understanding Your Lipid Panel
26 The Cause and Treatment of Heart Disease
27 “…the strongest predictor of a heart attack.”
28 Sugar in the Diet: What does it mean?
29 Fructose, Formerly Known as Fruit Sugar
30 Is Fructose a Liver Toxin? Is it Really Poison?
31 Carbohydrates and Sugars
32 Artificial Sweeteners
33 Omental Adiposity
34 Foods that Raise HDL
35 The Diet Doctor and the LCHF Diet
36 Modern Trends in Dieting
37 Therapeutic (vs. Prophylactic) Dieting
38 The Perfect Health Diet
39 Back to the Future
40 What are “Safe Starches”?
41 “Unsafe Starches” and Other Sugars
42 “Unsafe Fats” – probably not what you think
43 Paula Deen, Lessons Learned?
44 Joslin Clinic Fights Back
45 Do You Need to Lower Your Cholesterol
-- Interlude, On a Personal Note
46 How to Treat Heart Disease Risk (a doctor’s prescription)
47 Testing for Heart Disease Risk
48 Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
49 The Dietary Causes of Inflammation
50 Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress
51 Dietary Cholesterol
52 The Thermic Effect of Food
53 On the Digestion and Absorption of Food
54 Loren Cordain, Robb Webb and Kurt Harris
55 The Beleaguered Gary Taubes
56 Metabolic Disregulation
57 What is Ketogenic Nutrition
58 What is Dietary Ketosis
59 What I Eat and Why: A VLCKD
60 Dietary Composition: Dr. Ludwig’s (et.al.) Study
61 Steffansson and “The Eskimo Diet”
62 Meatless Monday Madness
63 Impulse Control and Metacognition
64 Very Low Carb Eating: 10 Years Later
65 Introducing the Low Carb Dietitian
66 Fast Glucose Best Predictor of Diabetes Risk (NOT)
67 HDL Cholesterol and the Very Low Carb Diet
68 Triglycerides, Fish Oil and Sardines
69 In Praise of Small Meals
70 LDL Cholesterol and Statins
71 Weight Loss Maintenance
72 How to “Fix” Your Cholesterol
73 Newly Diagnosed Type 2 or Pre-Diabetic? Scared?
74 No Added Salt? Why?
75 Low Carb Dieting the “Cold Turkey” Way
76 Holiday Indulgences for Low Carbers
77 Low Carb Dieting and Pauline Kale (sic)
78 Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Cancer
79 Calorie Restriction and Longevity
80 Obesity Caused by Gut Bacterium!
81 Calorie Restriction in Humans
82 A New Dietary Paradigm?
83 "The 8-Hour Diet," based on "brand new science"
84 Carbohydrate Intolerance: the new “buzz” words
85 My Goal Weight and the BMI Table
86 Beta Cell Function and Insulin Sensitivity
87 Optimal Blood Lipid Levels
88 "Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes"
89 "Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes" Revisited
90 The "Easy as 1-2-3 (and 1/2) Diet"
91 Low-Carb Breakfasts (and a No-Carb Lunch)
92 Why We Eat
93 Is The Washington Post Biased?
94 "Eating Clean"
95 My Doctor Died Last Week -- An Appreciation
96 The Pregnant Bachelor's Diet
97 Fructose in Foods
98 The "Dreaded Complications" (of Type 2 Diabetes)
99 "Natural History of Type 2 Diabetes"
100 Liquid Calories
101 Why I'm Never Hungry
102 Denial is not...
103 Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV)
104 It's Not Feckless to Be Fickle
105 My Low Carb Eating -- Then and Now
106 Dinner is Now Supper -- for Us
107 "even...whole grain and fruits and vegetables"
108 "You're Eating Too Much Dairy"
109 "Prisoner for Life"
110 My Body and Me
111 "the usual complaints" of aging
112 Treating the Obese Diabetic
113 What are We, Chopped Liver?
114 My Insulin-dependent Type 2 Pharmacist
115 "My Doctor Never Told Me..."
116 "A Modifiable Risk Factor"
117 "Sugar, Salt and Fat" -- the New "Bad Boy" Linkup
118 "Nobody Weighs 375 Pounds"
119 "Lifestyle Intervention is Great Therapy"
120 Nutrigenomics -- an emerging new science
121 Behavior Change is Incredibly Difficult
122 Macronutrient Ratios and Calorie Restriction
123 Intermittent Fasting and "The 23-hour IF Diet"
124 A Lamentable Confusion Between Diets
125 Dietary Dictocrats Double Down
126 Do You Live to Eat or Eat to Live?
127 Fighting Sleep?
128 Sugary Drinks and Added Sugars
129 Low Carb Diet Record Keeping
130 How much Protein Should You Eat?
131 Bernstein Goes Paleo
132 Why I Despair for the Type 2 Diabetic Patient
133 The Edible Schoolyard (ESY)
134 "You Really Don't Need to Test"
135 What About Physical Energy?
136 "No Butter on Your Corn?!!!"
137 "How Ketogenic (Low Carb-HIgh-Fat) Diets Work"
138 Fruit, the 3rd Rail for Prospective Low Carb Dieters
139 Nuts -- the Very Good, the Also Good, and the Bad
140 Peanuts, My Nemesis, and Why I Don't Eat Them
141 "...the ultimate oxymoron: diet food"
142 "I'm Sorry..." Confessions of a Former Weight Loss Consultant
143 Fruit Consumption & Diabetes -- A Theatre of the Absurd Plot
144 Diabetes and Dementia
145 Gastric Bypass vw. Medical Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome
146 Medicare to Pay for Obesity Counseling
147 AMA: Obesity is a Disease (for billing purposes)
148 Obesity, a Condition of Genetic Susceptibility?
149 Feral Cat Feeding Frenzy
150 Another Milestone, Amid Ramblings and Ruminations
151 Homage to Vilhjalmur Steffansson by His Wife Evelyn
152 Set Point Theory, More Ramblings
153 Salt: Friend or Foe?
154 Salt, Sugar and Fat
155 Cowabunga, the ADA makes the turn
156 The New ADA Nutrition Guidlines: Some Misgivings
157 The ADA's Problematic Position on Dietary Fat
158 Demolishing the Saturated Fat Bogeyman
159 While 'Rome Burns,' the GACD fiddles and the EASD naps
160 Letterman to Hanks: "...through diet, mostly."
161 Why Go to the Doctor?
162 The ADA's Glycemic, Blood Pressure and Lipid Goals
163 So You Think You're Just Pre-Diabetic?
164 The Best Snack?
165 Obesity is Not the Problem
166 What About GMOs?
167 An Editorial: Making the Turn
168 Does Exercise Work?
169 When I told her, "I'm diabetic..."
170 Your instinctive "appetite for protein"
171 "Dietary Protein and its Impact on Obesity
172 "Everybody knows that..."
173 "Anybody can be a doctor..."
174 23andme and the Self-Care Brouhaha
175 "Your blog is primarily for type 2 diabetics, right?"
176 Eggs, Cholesterol and Choline
177 The ADA's Helpful Advice?
178 "Diabetes Rocks!"
179 Vitamin D Supplementation
180 The AHA/ACC Cholesterol Guidelines
181 The New AHA/ACC Statin Guidelines and Type 2 Diabetes
182 Avoiding "incident type 2 diabetes"
183 My New Doctor and Me
184 "VLC = Not So Much Thinking"
185 "Your Diet is Very Restrictive"
186 "Your Diet is Very Restrictive" Part 2
187 Chronic Systemic Inflammation and hsCRP
188 "Older Patients with T2DM and Comorbidities"
189 The Proposed New F.D.A Nutrition Labels
190 "Can (sic) I ask you a personal question?"
191 Insulin-Dependent Type 2s
192 Climate Change and The Nutrition Debate
193 We never changed our mind," he said.
194 Live Fermented Foods
195 "I did it myself, with no help from doctor."
196 The diagnostic power of A1c vs. fasting glucose
197 Triglycerides and alcohol consumption
198 Carbohydrates and Alcoholic Beverages
199 Food Preparation: Tips and Tidbits
200 "Healthy Eating"
201 Horton Hears a Who
202 White House Pastry Chef Quits
203 A Brief History of Edible Vegetable (i.e. Seed) Oils
204 A Modern History of Cane Sugar
205 "Deep Nutrition," a book review
206 "Health without Healthcare"
207 Diabetes Self-Care Just Got a Little Harder
208 "Teach Doctors Nutrition"
209 "Maureen Dowd is off today," the NYT said.
210 "Diet and Exercise May Help Prevent Diabetes" -- Duh!
211 Eggs and Satiety
212 "Everything I (ch)eat turns to fat."
213 How I lost 125 pounds (part 1)
214 How I lost 125 pounds (part 2)
215 Just Google "The Nutrition Debate"
216 Is Low-Carb High-Protein or High Fat?
217 Type 2 diabetic says, "I can eat whatever I want"
218 Diabetes Causes Nerve Pain -- NOT
219 "Surgery Tops Usual Care in Obese Diabetics"
220 "Eat protein t lower stroke risk"
221 Medscape dropped 2 bombs in my inbox last week
222 Better Diabetes Self-Management with Cognitive Therapy
223 Adding Insulin to Metformin for T2s: A scary "outcome"
224 Diabetic Foot: A Cinderella Condition?!!!
225 Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Risk
226 Improved Glycemic Control and CV Risk
244 Diabetes on Rise but Complications Decline (Duh!)
245 "...in patients on sulfonylureas."
246 "Sugar Substance Reduces HDL"
247 Age-Based Universal Screening for T2DM
248 Salt Warnings: Confusing and Contradictory
249 Type 2 Diabetics, You Have a Choice
250 "40% of American Adults Will Develop Diabetes"
251 High-fat dairy 'good'; low-fat dairy 'bad'
252 "400 Calorie Meals for Fall"
253 The "Diabetes Plateau"
254 Saudi Approach to Diabetes
255 Risk Prediction with Triglycerides
256 Prediabetes: An Existential Question?
257 Non-surgical bariatric medicine
258 "Diagnosed diabetics consumed less sugar and carbohydrates"
259 Cognitive Decline: Driven by Metabolic Processes?
260 "Weight Loss Tips from Our Experts"
261 Non-Caloric Artificial Sweeteners (NAS)
262 Registered Dietician Nutritionists. Should you see one?
263 Ice Cream Games
264 Which Foods Affect Diabetes
265 "Lets Start with Food"
266 "Food Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome"
267 A "High Energy Breakfast Shake"
268 "Help with Cravings"
269 "Eat Good Fat"
270 "The Skinny of Fats"
271 Treating Obesity Today
272 Falling Asleep a the Wheel
273 Insulin Resistance = Carbohydrate Intolerance
274 "Should Everyone Take Metformin"
275 "The Weight of the Nation"
276 "Why do I eat...even when I'm not hungry"
277 What is Hunger?
278 Skipping Breakfast
279 My fasting blood sugar is 85
280 Putting Fat Loss on Autopilot
281 HDL-C and Triglycerides
282 Total Cholesterol, LDL-C and Statin Therapy
283 TC/HDL, TG/HDL and Triglycerides
284 The A to Z Weight Loss Study: a Randomized Trial
285 "When diet and exercise aren't enough..."
286 Avoid wheat, excess fructose and excess linoleic acid (Omega 6s)
287 Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?
288 Type 2 Diabetics: 10% Protein "May Not Be Enough"
289 Physician: "First, do no harm" (Primum, non nocere)
290 My Healthy, Homemade (Vinaigrette) Salad Dressing
291 Salad Dressing Oils: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
292 Type 2 Diabetes: Doctors in Transition
293 The HEAL Clinics: Diabetes and Medical Weight Loss
294 "Saturated Fat and CAD: It's Complicated"
295 Cholesterol: no longer "...considered a nutrient of concern..."
296 Another Nail in the Coffin of the Dietary Guidelines
297 "Obesity in Remission," a short series
298 "Obesity in Remission" Part 2
299 The Set Point: Why Maintaining Weight Loss is So Hard
300 "Sugar" in Food and Blood, a primer on carbohydrates
301 Healthy Food Choices
302 Another pill to prevent Type 2 Diabetes
303 Poor Dr. Walter Willett
304 "I am not making this up."
305 My Troubled Relationship with Food
65 Introducing the Low Carb Dietitian
66 Fast Glucose Best Predictor of Diabetes Risk (NOT)
67 HDL Cholesterol and the Very Low Carb Diet
68 Triglycerides, Fish Oil and Sardines
69 In Praise of Small Meals
70 LDL Cholesterol and Statins
71 Weight Loss Maintenance
72 How to “Fix” Your Cholesterol
73 Newly Diagnosed Type 2 or Pre-Diabetic? Scared?
74 No Added Salt? Why?
75 Low Carb Dieting the “Cold Turkey” Way
76 Holiday Indulgences for Low Carbers
77 Low Carb Dieting and Pauline Kale (sic)
78 Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Cancer
79 Calorie Restriction and Longevity
80 Obesity Caused by Gut Bacterium!
81 Calorie Restriction in Humans
82 A New Dietary Paradigm?
83 "The 8-Hour Diet," based on "brand new science"
84 Carbohydrate Intolerance: the new “buzz” words
85 My Goal Weight and the BMI Table
86 Beta Cell Function and Insulin Sensitivity
87 Optimal Blood Lipid Levels
88 "Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes"
89 "Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes" Revisited
90 The "Easy as 1-2-3 (and 1/2) Diet"
91 Low-Carb Breakfasts (and a No-Carb Lunch)
92 Why We Eat
93 Is The Washington Post Biased?
94 "Eating Clean"
95 My Doctor Died Last Week -- An Appreciation
96 The Pregnant Bachelor's Diet
97 Fructose in Foods
98 The "Dreaded Complications" (of Type 2 Diabetes)
99 "Natural History of Type 2 Diabetes"
100 Liquid Calories
101 Why I'm Never Hungry
102 Denial is not...
103 Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV)
104 It's Not Feckless to Be Fickle
105 My Low Carb Eating -- Then and Now
106 Dinner is Now Supper -- for Us
107 "even...whole grain and fruits and vegetables"
108 "You're Eating Too Much Dairy"
109 "Prisoner for Life"
110 My Body and Me
111 "the usual complaints" of aging
112 Treating the Obese Diabetic
113 What are We, Chopped Liver?
114 My Insulin-dependent Type 2 Pharmacist
115 "My Doctor Never Told Me..."
116 "A Modifiable Risk Factor"
117 "Sugar, Salt and Fat" -- the New "Bad Boy" Linkup
118 "Nobody Weighs 375 Pounds"
119 "Lifestyle Intervention is Great Therapy"
120 Nutrigenomics -- an emerging new science
121 Behavior Change is Incredibly Difficult
122 Macronutrient Ratios and Calorie Restriction
123 Intermittent Fasting and "The 23-hour IF Diet"
124 A Lamentable Confusion Between Diets
125 Dietary Dictocrats Double Down
126 Do You Live to Eat or Eat to Live?
127 Fighting Sleep?
128 Sugary Drinks and Added Sugars
129 Low Carb Diet Record Keeping
130 How much Protein Should You Eat?
131 Bernstein Goes Paleo
132 Why I Despair for the Type 2 Diabetic Patient
133 The Edible Schoolyard (ESY)
134 "You Really Don't Need to Test"
135 What About Physical Energy?
136 "No Butter on Your Corn?!!!"
137 "How Ketogenic (Low Carb-HIgh-Fat) Diets Work"
138 Fruit, the 3rd Rail for Prospective Low Carb Dieters
139 Nuts -- the Very Good, the Also Good, and the Bad
140 Peanuts, My Nemesis, and Why I Don't Eat Them
141 "...the ultimate oxymoron: diet food"
142 "I'm Sorry..." Confessions of a Former Weight Loss Consultant
143 Fruit Consumption & Diabetes -- A Theatre of the Absurd Plot
144 Diabetes and Dementia
145 Gastric Bypass vw. Medical Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome
146 Medicare to Pay for Obesity Counseling
147 AMA: Obesity is a Disease (for billing purposes)
148 Obesity, a Condition of Genetic Susceptibility?
149 Feral Cat Feeding Frenzy
150 Another Milestone, Amid Ramblings and Ruminations
151 Homage to Vilhjalmur Steffansson by His Wife Evelyn
152 Set Point Theory, More Ramblings
153 Salt: Friend or Foe?
154 Salt, Sugar and Fat
155 Cowabunga, the ADA makes the turn
156 The New ADA Nutrition Guidlines: Some Misgivings
157 The ADA's Problematic Position on Dietary Fat
158 Demolishing the Saturated Fat Bogeyman
159 While 'Rome Burns,' the GACD fiddles and the EASD naps
160 Letterman to Hanks: "...through diet, mostly."
161 Why Go to the Doctor?
162 The ADA's Glycemic, Blood Pressure and Lipid Goals
163 So You Think You're Just Pre-Diabetic?
164 The Best Snack?
165 Obesity is Not the Problem
166 What About GMOs?
167 An Editorial: Making the Turn
168 Does Exercise Work?
169 When I told her, "I'm diabetic..."
170 Your instinctive "appetite for protein"
171 "Dietary Protein and its Impact on Obesity
172 "Everybody knows that..."
173 "Anybody can be a doctor..."
174 23andme and the Self-Care Brouhaha
175 "Your blog is primarily for type 2 diabetics, right?"
176 Eggs, Cholesterol and Choline
177 The ADA's Helpful Advice?
178 "Diabetes Rocks!"
179 Vitamin D Supplementation
180 The AHA/ACC Cholesterol Guidelines
181 The New AHA/ACC Statin Guidelines and Type 2 Diabetes
182 Avoiding "incident type 2 diabetes"
183 My New Doctor and Me
184 "VLC = Not So Much Thinking"
185 "Your Diet is Very Restrictive"
186 "Your Diet is Very Restrictive" Part 2
187 Chronic Systemic Inflammation and hsCRP
188 "Older Patients with T2DM and Comorbidities"
189 The Proposed New F.D.A Nutrition Labels
190 "Can (sic) I ask you a personal question?"
191 Insulin-Dependent Type 2s
192 Climate Change and The Nutrition Debate
193 We never changed our mind," he said.
194 Live Fermented Foods
195 "I did it myself, with no help from doctor."
196 The diagnostic power of A1c vs. fasting glucose
197 Triglycerides and alcohol consumption
198 Carbohydrates and Alcoholic Beverages
199 Food Preparation: Tips and Tidbits
200 "Healthy Eating"
201 Horton Hears a Who
202 White House Pastry Chef Quits
203 A Brief History of Edible Vegetable (i.e. Seed) Oils
204 A Modern History of Cane Sugar
205 "Deep Nutrition," a book review
206 "Health without Healthcare"
207 Diabetes Self-Care Just Got a Little Harder
208 "Teach Doctors Nutrition"
209 "Maureen Dowd is off today," the NYT said.
210 "Diet and Exercise May Help Prevent Diabetes" -- Duh!
211 Eggs and Satiety
212 "Everything I (ch)eat turns to fat."
213 How I lost 125 pounds (part 1)
214 How I lost 125 pounds (part 2)
215 Just Google "The Nutrition Debate"
216 Is Low-Carb High-Protein or High Fat?
217 Type 2 diabetic says, "I can eat whatever I want"
218 Diabetes Causes Nerve Pain -- NOT
219 "Surgery Tops Usual Care in Obese Diabetics"
220 "Eat protein t lower stroke risk"
221 Medscape dropped 2 bombs in my inbox last week
222 Better Diabetes Self-Management with Cognitive Therapy
223 Adding Insulin to Metformin for T2s: A scary "outcome"
224 Diabetic Foot: A Cinderella Condition?!!!
225 Diet and Type 2 Diabetes Risk
226 Improved Glycemic Control and CV Risk
227 “One in 10 American
Adults is Diabetic…”
228 A1c and you estimated
Average Glucose (eAG)
229 My Alternate Healthy
Eating Index (MyAHEI)
230 Frustrated by Failure?
Solution: Lower the Standard of Care
231 Vitamin K-2 and Insulin
232 “A Spoonful of Sugar”
233 Multifactorial Approach
to Prevent CVD in T2DM
234 You begin to secrete
insulin when…
235 Self- vs. Medical
Management of T2DM
236 Inflammation and the
Low-Carb Diet
237 “…the why behind my
broken blood sugar.”
238 Type 2 Diabetics: Do you
take a low-dose aspirin?
239 Low-Carb Diet Should Be
First Approach for Diabetes
240 Pottenger, his Cats and
his Prophesy
241 “HbA1c Increases with
242 God Favors Animal Fat
243 New York Times good; Fox News bad (coverage) 244 Diabetes on Rise but Complications Decline (Duh!)
245 "...in patients on sulfonylureas."
246 "Sugar Substance Reduces HDL"
247 Age-Based Universal Screening for T2DM
248 Salt Warnings: Confusing and Contradictory
249 Type 2 Diabetics, You Have a Choice
250 "40% of American Adults Will Develop Diabetes"
251 High-fat dairy 'good'; low-fat dairy 'bad'
252 "400 Calorie Meals for Fall"
253 The "Diabetes Plateau"
254 Saudi Approach to Diabetes
255 Risk Prediction with Triglycerides
256 Prediabetes: An Existential Question?
257 Non-surgical bariatric medicine
258 "Diagnosed diabetics consumed less sugar and carbohydrates"
259 Cognitive Decline: Driven by Metabolic Processes?
260 "Weight Loss Tips from Our Experts"
261 Non-Caloric Artificial Sweeteners (NAS)
262 Registered Dietician Nutritionists. Should you see one?
263 Ice Cream Games
264 Which Foods Affect Diabetes
265 "Lets Start with Food"
266 "Food Therapy for Metabolic Syndrome"
267 A "High Energy Breakfast Shake"
268 "Help with Cravings"
269 "Eat Good Fat"
270 "The Skinny of Fats"
271 Treating Obesity Today
272 Falling Asleep a the Wheel
273 Insulin Resistance = Carbohydrate Intolerance
274 "Should Everyone Take Metformin"
275 "The Weight of the Nation"
276 "Why do I eat...even when I'm not hungry"
277 What is Hunger?
278 Skipping Breakfast
279 My fasting blood sugar is 85
280 Putting Fat Loss on Autopilot
281 HDL-C and Triglycerides
282 Total Cholesterol, LDL-C and Statin Therapy
283 TC/HDL, TG/HDL and Triglycerides
284 The A to Z Weight Loss Study: a Randomized Trial
285 "When diet and exercise aren't enough..."
286 Avoid wheat, excess fructose and excess linoleic acid (Omega 6s)
287 Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?
288 Type 2 Diabetics: 10% Protein "May Not Be Enough"
289 Physician: "First, do no harm" (Primum, non nocere)
290 My Healthy, Homemade (Vinaigrette) Salad Dressing
291 Salad Dressing Oils: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
292 Type 2 Diabetes: Doctors in Transition
293 The HEAL Clinics: Diabetes and Medical Weight Loss
294 "Saturated Fat and CAD: It's Complicated"
295 Cholesterol: no longer "...considered a nutrient of concern..."
296 Another Nail in the Coffin of the Dietary Guidelines
297 "Obesity in Remission," a short series
298 "Obesity in Remission" Part 2
299 The Set Point: Why Maintaining Weight Loss is So Hard
300 "Sugar" in Food and Blood, a primer on carbohydrates
301 Healthy Food Choices
302 Another pill to prevent Type 2 Diabetes
303 Poor Dr. Walter Willett
304 "I am not making this up."
305 My Troubled Relationship with Food
306 My New Manifesto: Type 2
Diabetes, a Dietary Disease
307 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: A Personal Story (N=1)
308 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Introduction to What Causes Diabetes
309 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Type 2 Diabetes Q & A
310 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary
Disease: Newly Diagnosed Type 2? What’s Next?
311 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: How Can I Manage My Type 2 Diabetes?
312 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Isn’t Your Very Low Carb WOE…Well, Extreme?
313 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: What Does Insulin Resistance Have to Do With It?
314 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse!”
315 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Carbohydrates and Sugars: Redux
316 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “With So Much Carb Restriction, What Can I Eat?
317 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Patient, Heal Thyself!
318 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: The Mystery of Antonin Scalia's Sudden Death
319 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Losing Weight and Keeping It Off
320 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Total Fasting Reduces of Eliminates Hunger"
321 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Energy In" at the cellular level
322 The Nutrition Debate: Ketosis, the Ketogenic Diet and Supplemental Ketones, An Overview
323 The Nutrition Debate: Supplemental Ketones, a Therapeutic Strategy
324 The Nutrition Debate: Supplemental Ketones, "A Case Study," by Dr. Mary Newport
325 The Nutrition Debate: Supplemental Ketones, a Prophylactic Strategy
326 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Are you hungry in the morning?
327 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Just by changing what I ate..."
328 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "...the most sustainable diet ever!"
329 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My FBGs have been transformed, Part 1
330 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My FBGs have been transformed, Part 2
331 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Dear Max: Don't eat Oatmeal for breakfast!
332 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Pre-Diabetic" or undiagnosed Type 2?
333 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: NAFLD, Supplements, Fructose and PUFAs
334 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: A Unifying Hypothesis of Chronic Disease, Part 1
335 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Implications of Reaven's Unified Hypothesis, Part 2
336 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Noakes: "It's the fatty liver disease, stupid."
337 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Fact and Fallacies About the Nutrition Facts Panel
338 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Moi? Grumpy or Grouchy?
339 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Low Carb? It's not a diet," I blurted.
340 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Obesity is a hormonal imbalance..."
341 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Obesity is protective," says Jason Fung, MD
342 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Is "cheating" okay?
343 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My "No-Cheat" Week
344 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: How Diabetic Do You Want to Be (Part 1)
345 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: How Diabetic Do You Want to Be (Part 2)
346 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Glucose Lowering in T2D is largely useless."
347 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Lowering Glucose in T2D is largely useless, unless..."
348 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Nervous Eating
349 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Yoga for Diabetes
350 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My latest lipid panel (cholesterol test)
351 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Am I a Type 2 Diabetic?
352 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: If you're a Type 2, DON'T READ THIS
353 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Advice for a friend who is "pre-diabetic."
354 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Macro and Keto Ratios
355 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Before and After
356 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten Years Ago, I Had a Relapse
357 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 2)
358 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 3)
359 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 4)
360 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 5)
319 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Losing Weight and Keeping It Off
320 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Total Fasting Reduces of Eliminates Hunger"
321 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Energy In" at the cellular level
322 The Nutrition Debate: Ketosis, the Ketogenic Diet and Supplemental Ketones, An Overview
323 The Nutrition Debate: Supplemental Ketones, a Therapeutic Strategy
324 The Nutrition Debate: Supplemental Ketones, "A Case Study," by Dr. Mary Newport
325 The Nutrition Debate: Supplemental Ketones, a Prophylactic Strategy
326 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Are you hungry in the morning?
327 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Just by changing what I ate..."
328 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "...the most sustainable diet ever!"
329 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My FBGs have been transformed, Part 1
330 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My FBGs have been transformed, Part 2
331 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Dear Max: Don't eat Oatmeal for breakfast!
332 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Pre-Diabetic" or undiagnosed Type 2?
333 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: NAFLD, Supplements, Fructose and PUFAs
334 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: A Unifying Hypothesis of Chronic Disease, Part 1
335 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Implications of Reaven's Unified Hypothesis, Part 2
336 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Noakes: "It's the fatty liver disease, stupid."
337 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Fact and Fallacies About the Nutrition Facts Panel
338 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Moi? Grumpy or Grouchy?
339 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Low Carb? It's not a diet," I blurted.
340 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Obesity is a hormonal imbalance..."
341 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Obesity is protective," says Jason Fung, MD
342 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Is "cheating" okay?
343 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My "No-Cheat" Week
344 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: How Diabetic Do You Want to Be (Part 1)
345 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: How Diabetic Do You Want to Be (Part 2)
346 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Glucose Lowering in T2D is largely useless."
347 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Lowering Glucose in T2D is largely useless, unless..."
348 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Nervous Eating
349 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Yoga for Diabetes
350 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My latest lipid panel (cholesterol test)
351 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Am I a Type 2 Diabetic?
352 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: If you're a Type 2, DON'T READ THIS
353 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Advice for a friend who is "pre-diabetic."
354 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Macro and Keto Ratios
355 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Before and After
356 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten Years Ago, I Had a Relapse
357 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 2)
358 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 3)
359 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 4)
360 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Ten years ago, I had a relapse (Part 5)
361 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “Whistlin’ Past the Graveyard”
362 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: A Stricter Prediabetes Definition
363 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Type 2 Diabetes, a Lifestyle Disease
364 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “Prediabetes, in other words, is Diabetes”
365 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: The Dual Pincers of Clinical Practice Guidelines
366 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a Secret Society
367 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My Arm’s Length Perspective from Colombia
368 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 2-Month, 20-Pound Challenge
369 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “759 Secrets for Beating Diabetes”
370 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 2-Month, 20-Pound Challenge, 1st wk Report
371 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 2-Month, 20-Pound Challenge, 2nd wk Report
372 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 10-Week, 30-Pound Challenge, 5th wk Report
373 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: The “blame the patient” game
374 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: A New Year’s Eve Conversation, Part 1 of 2
375 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: A New Year’s Eve Conversation, Part 2 of 2
376 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “I have gone off carbohydrates almost entirely.”
377 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 10-Week, 30-Pound Challenge: Final Report
378 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My Next 30-Pound Challenge: Project Design
379 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “Man-up, guys!”
380 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Newcastle Diet (“Counterpoint Study”)
381 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My Next 30-Pound Challenge, 4 weeks in…
382 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: Can
Fasting “Wake-up” the Pancreas?
383 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Fasting on 300kcal a day while keto-adapted
384 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: The Problem with N = 1 (Spoiler: I’m keto-adapted)
385 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 2nd (and last) 30-lb Challenge: Half-time Report
386 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Max Planck was right…
387 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: 15 Years on a VLC Diet
388 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “A Piece of Cake”
389 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: Don’t go to THIS hospital!
390 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 2nd and Last 30-lb Challenge: 3rd
Qtr. Report
391 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: The U. S. Dietary Guidelines: “11 Points for Change”
392 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “Broccoli May Help Fight Disease”
393 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: My 2nd 30-lb Challenge (Amended): Final Report
394 Type 2 Diabetes, a
Dietary Disease: “Alternative Preventive Medicine”?
395 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: All my friends are dying...
396 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Intransigent Resistance"
397 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: If an A1c of >6.5% is defined as diabetic...
398 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My supplements
399 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: WebMD and Walgreens, a new collaboration
400 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Not half the man I once was," my wife quipped
401 Type 2 Nutrition #401: "Improve your A1c with a non-insulin option"
402 Type 2 Nutrition #402: IGNORANCE is the biggest problem...
403 Type 2 Nutrition #403: Denial is not a river...
404 Type 2 Nutrition #404: "If you're feeling signs of sleepiness..."
405 Type 2 Nutrition #405: LDL-C and TGL while fasting
406 Type 2 Nutrition #406: Triglycerides and LDLC while eating Very Low Carb
407 Type 2 Nutrition #407: Am I non-diabetic now?
408 Type 2 Nutrition #408: Keto-adapted vs. Fat-adapted
409 Type 2 Nutrition #409: When I used to eat eggs...
410 Type 2 Nutrition #410: My 300kcal "Fasting" Diet
411 Type 2 Nutrition #411: "You don't eat!"
412 Type 2 Nutrition #412: "Cover" Story
413 Type 2 Nutrition #413: "End Date"
414 Type 2 Nutrition #414: To LOSE weight, do NOT eat a Ketogenic Diet
415 Type 2 Nutrition #415: Hypoglycemia? I've only had it 3 times -- all in 1 week!
416 Type 2 Nutrition #416: Readership Statistics
417 Type 2 Nutrition #417: The NEXT 25 Most Popular Posts
418 Type 2 Nutrition #418: "The dose makes the poison."
419 Type 2 Nutrition #419: "Secret Cure" for Type 2 Diabetes
420 Type 2 Nutrition #420: BMIs for the "elderly"
421 Type 2 Nutrition #421: Heart Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
422 Type 2 Nutrition #422: "energy homeostasis at the cellular level
423 Type 2 Nutrition #423: Okay, I admit it. I'm not perfect.
424 Type 2 Nutrition #424: Splenda Edulzante, ideal para toda la familia
425 Type 2 Nutrition #425: "Ensure Original," the "meal replacement"
426 Type 2 Nutrition #426: Extend Bars, for diabetes management
427 Type 2 Nutrition #427: The Fasting Biohack, Trending in Silicon Valley
428 Type 2 Nutrition #428: Portion Control
429 Type 2 Nutrition #429: WebMD Nov/Dec Issue
430 Type 2 Nutrition #430: "I don't always skip meals..."
431 Type 2 Nutrition #431: May 9th, from a Russian Perspective
432 Type 2 Nutrition #432: "I've never had a hot flash."
433 Type 2 Nutrition #433: "Lifestyle Programs Could Prevent Diabetes'"
434 Type 2 Nutrition #434: Watch out! Your doctor thinks he/she knows about nutrition.
435 Type 2 Nutrition #435: Hungry or Undernourished?
436 Type 2 Nutrition #436: "Science advances one funeral at a time."
437 Type 2 Nutrition #437: Heading toward the cliff
438 Type 2 Nutrition #438: Two Degrees of Separation
439 Type 2 Nutrition #439: "The Drinking Man's Diet"
440 Type 2 Nutrition #440: The Drinking Man's Liquid Fasting Diet
441 Type 2 Nutrition #441: Have I cured my type 2 diabetes?
442 Type 2 Nutrition #442: Stepping into my new trousers...
443 Type 2 Nutrition #443: The 1-percenters
444 Type 2 Nutrition #444: "Symptoms are too late."
445 Type 2 Nutrition #445: Are doctors in denial?
446 Type 2 Nutrition #446: "Doc's Beliefs" prevail in 14 of 17 Primary Care Practices
447 Type 2 Nutrition #447: What's happening to medicine today?
448 Type 2 Nutrition #448: How "science" gets it wrong
449 Type 2 Nutrition #449: "I thought salads were good for you."
450 Type 2 Nutrition #450: When and what to eat, and not eat
451 Type 2 Nutrition #451: Is Very Low Carb like the South Beach Diet?
452 Type 2 Nutrition #452: The most common cause of high triglycerides is...
453 Type 2 Nutrition #453: Fish oil supplementation, triglycerides and platelet formation
454 Type 2 Nutrition #454: "Are vegetable chips okay"?
455 Type 2 Nutrition #455: "Are red grapes healthier than green grapes?"
456 Type 2 Nutrition #456: "Why am I taking insulin?"
457 Type 2 Nutrition #457: One foot in two lifeboats...
458 Type 2 Nutrition #458: Is it time to clean out the pantry?
459 Type 2 Nutrition #459: My new favorite snack
460 Type 2 Nutrition #460: The blind leading the blind
461 Type 2 Nutrition #461:Very Low Carb is the Basic Precept
462 Type 2 Nutrition #462: The TG/HDL-C ratio and Insulin Resistance
463 Type 2 Nutrition #463: "You eat healthy, take statins..."
464 Type 2 Nutrition #464: "She was only 75."
465 Type 2 Nutrition #465: Diabetic neuropathic complications
466 Type 2 Nutrition #466: Want help getting into a size 10?
467 Type 2 Nutrition #467: It's not fair!
468 Type 2 Nutrition #468: Drink SuperBeets, for a "boost'
469 Type 2 Nutrition #469: Why Pre-diabetes is actually Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)
470 Type 2 Nutrition #470: A Tale of Two Paradigms
471 Type 2 Nutrition #471: "You mean, sugar is a carb?"
472 Type 2 Nutrition #472: Is the Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy Credible?
473 Type 2 Nutrition #473: IT'S THE VISCERAL FAT, STUPID!
474 Type 2 Nutrition #474: "Taking aim at belly fat"
475 Type 2 Nutrition #475: The Fast Mimicking Diet
476 Type 2 Nutrition #476: Martin/Hopkins, "a better LDL calculation method"
477 Type 2 Nutrition #477: Deprescribing antihyperglycemic meds..."
478 Type 2 Nutrition #478: Have you ever thought about a CGM?
479 Type 2 Nutrition #479: CGMs for Non-Insulin Dependent Type 2s?
480 Type 2 Nutrition #480: "I've lost 30 pounds!" (Time Cook, Apple CEO)
481 Type 2 Nutrition #481: Why I still use stevia.
482 Type 2 Nutrition #482: "What are you teaching these kids?"
483 Type 2 Nutrition #483: "...when used with diet and exercise."
484 Type 2 Nutrition #484: "He needs insulin to control his high blood sugar."
485 Type 2 Nutrition #485: Grocery store bread is processed food.
486 Type 2 Nutrition #486: Too depressing not to write about.
487 Type 2 Nutrition #487: NPR re Coconut Oil
488 Type 2 Nutrition #488: Why, just...why?
396 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Intransigent Resistance"
397 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: If an A1c of >6.5% is defined as diabetic...
398 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: My supplements
399 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: WebMD and Walgreens, a new collaboration
400 Type 2 Diabetes, a Dietary Disease: "Not half the man I once was," my wife quipped
401 Type 2 Nutrition #401: "Improve your A1c with a non-insulin option"
402 Type 2 Nutrition #402: IGNORANCE is the biggest problem...
403 Type 2 Nutrition #403: Denial is not a river...
404 Type 2 Nutrition #404: "If you're feeling signs of sleepiness..."
405 Type 2 Nutrition #405: LDL-C and TGL while fasting
406 Type 2 Nutrition #406: Triglycerides and LDLC while eating Very Low Carb
407 Type 2 Nutrition #407: Am I non-diabetic now?
408 Type 2 Nutrition #408: Keto-adapted vs. Fat-adapted
409 Type 2 Nutrition #409: When I used to eat eggs...
410 Type 2 Nutrition #410: My 300kcal "Fasting" Diet
411 Type 2 Nutrition #411: "You don't eat!"
412 Type 2 Nutrition #412: "Cover" Story
413 Type 2 Nutrition #413: "End Date"
414 Type 2 Nutrition #414: To LOSE weight, do NOT eat a Ketogenic Diet
415 Type 2 Nutrition #415: Hypoglycemia? I've only had it 3 times -- all in 1 week!
416 Type 2 Nutrition #416: Readership Statistics
417 Type 2 Nutrition #417: The NEXT 25 Most Popular Posts
418 Type 2 Nutrition #418: "The dose makes the poison."
419 Type 2 Nutrition #419: "Secret Cure" for Type 2 Diabetes
420 Type 2 Nutrition #420: BMIs for the "elderly"
421 Type 2 Nutrition #421: Heart Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
422 Type 2 Nutrition #422: "energy homeostasis at the cellular level
423 Type 2 Nutrition #423: Okay, I admit it. I'm not perfect.
424 Type 2 Nutrition #424: Splenda Edulzante, ideal para toda la familia
425 Type 2 Nutrition #425: "Ensure Original," the "meal replacement"
426 Type 2 Nutrition #426: Extend Bars, for diabetes management
427 Type 2 Nutrition #427: The Fasting Biohack, Trending in Silicon Valley
428 Type 2 Nutrition #428: Portion Control
429 Type 2 Nutrition #429: WebMD Nov/Dec Issue
430 Type 2 Nutrition #430: "I don't always skip meals..."
431 Type 2 Nutrition #431: May 9th, from a Russian Perspective
432 Type 2 Nutrition #432: "I've never had a hot flash."
433 Type 2 Nutrition #433: "Lifestyle Programs Could Prevent Diabetes'"
434 Type 2 Nutrition #434: Watch out! Your doctor thinks he/she knows about nutrition.
435 Type 2 Nutrition #435: Hungry or Undernourished?
436 Type 2 Nutrition #436: "Science advances one funeral at a time."
437 Type 2 Nutrition #437: Heading toward the cliff
438 Type 2 Nutrition #438: Two Degrees of Separation
439 Type 2 Nutrition #439: "The Drinking Man's Diet"
440 Type 2 Nutrition #440: The Drinking Man's Liquid Fasting Diet
441 Type 2 Nutrition #441: Have I cured my type 2 diabetes?
442 Type 2 Nutrition #442: Stepping into my new trousers...
443 Type 2 Nutrition #443: The 1-percenters
444 Type 2 Nutrition #444: "Symptoms are too late."
445 Type 2 Nutrition #445: Are doctors in denial?
446 Type 2 Nutrition #446: "Doc's Beliefs" prevail in 14 of 17 Primary Care Practices
447 Type 2 Nutrition #447: What's happening to medicine today?
448 Type 2 Nutrition #448: How "science" gets it wrong
449 Type 2 Nutrition #449: "I thought salads were good for you."
450 Type 2 Nutrition #450: When and what to eat, and not eat
451 Type 2 Nutrition #451: Is Very Low Carb like the South Beach Diet?
452 Type 2 Nutrition #452: The most common cause of high triglycerides is...
453 Type 2 Nutrition #453: Fish oil supplementation, triglycerides and platelet formation
454 Type 2 Nutrition #454: "Are vegetable chips okay"?
455 Type 2 Nutrition #455: "Are red grapes healthier than green grapes?"
456 Type 2 Nutrition #456: "Why am I taking insulin?"
457 Type 2 Nutrition #457: One foot in two lifeboats...
458 Type 2 Nutrition #458: Is it time to clean out the pantry?
459 Type 2 Nutrition #459: My new favorite snack
460 Type 2 Nutrition #460: The blind leading the blind
461 Type 2 Nutrition #461:Very Low Carb is the Basic Precept
462 Type 2 Nutrition #462: The TG/HDL-C ratio and Insulin Resistance
463 Type 2 Nutrition #463: "You eat healthy, take statins..."
464 Type 2 Nutrition #464: "She was only 75."
465 Type 2 Nutrition #465: Diabetic neuropathic complications
466 Type 2 Nutrition #466: Want help getting into a size 10?
467 Type 2 Nutrition #467: It's not fair!
468 Type 2 Nutrition #468: Drink SuperBeets, for a "boost'
469 Type 2 Nutrition #469: Why Pre-diabetes is actually Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)
470 Type 2 Nutrition #470: A Tale of Two Paradigms
471 Type 2 Nutrition #471: "You mean, sugar is a carb?"
472 Type 2 Nutrition #472: Is the Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy Credible?
473 Type 2 Nutrition #473: IT'S THE VISCERAL FAT, STUPID!
474 Type 2 Nutrition #474: "Taking aim at belly fat"
475 Type 2 Nutrition #475: The Fast Mimicking Diet
476 Type 2 Nutrition #476: Martin/Hopkins, "a better LDL calculation method"
477 Type 2 Nutrition #477: Deprescribing antihyperglycemic meds..."
478 Type 2 Nutrition #478: Have you ever thought about a CGM?
479 Type 2 Nutrition #479: CGMs for Non-Insulin Dependent Type 2s?
480 Type 2 Nutrition #480: "I've lost 30 pounds!" (Time Cook, Apple CEO)
481 Type 2 Nutrition #481: Why I still use stevia.
482 Type 2 Nutrition #482: "What are you teaching these kids?"
483 Type 2 Nutrition #483: "...when used with diet and exercise."
484 Type 2 Nutrition #484: "He needs insulin to control his high blood sugar."
485 Type 2 Nutrition #485: Grocery store bread is processed food.
486 Type 2 Nutrition #486: Too depressing not to write about.
487 Type 2 Nutrition #487: NPR re Coconut Oil
488 Type 2 Nutrition #488: Why, just...why?
I'm Ashley, from Texas, USA. I had been in a relationship with a guy and we had unprotected sex for the first time and within a day i got a big bump on the crease of my thigh and vagina. After a few days it began to hurt more and more. I told him to take a picture of it for me, and it looked like open sores, like bugs were biting off my skin or something. So I went to the ER and they said genital herpes. I was soooo depressed. My boyfriend and I cried. He cried for me, but he had no idea he had it too. The next day, the same thing happens to him. At this point, we think I gave it to him because I was the first one to show the symptoms. The next phase I went through was depression. At this point, all I did was sleep and cry. I felt like my life was over. I knew I could never get married, I felt dirty, and worthless. I was depressed for about two months. I fought thoughts of suicide and it was a hassle to even carry out my daily tasks. So I started to wonder if there would be a remedy to this disease, which led me to going to visiting many hospitals, and nothing good came out from it, until I read a person’s testimony online that said that they were cured with the help of Dr Harry, of this disease that the world deems incurable and tears rolled down my face. That person's testimony sparked a hope in me that led me to contact Dr Harry. So he assured us that we are going to be alright, after meeting up with the necessary requirements, he sent us a parcel and gave us an instruction guide on how to use it, which we did, after 7 days of using the medication, the herpes was totally cured. So my boyfriend and I went and got tested for every STD in the book and every single test came back NEGATIVE, we also went back to the hospital, and it was confirmed NEGATIVE. I am posting my testimony to help someone out there suffering from this disease. Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Harry via e-mail: drharryherbs@gmail.com or call him or whatsapp on +2348142350014 website: https//drharryherbs.weebly.com.com