When I showed my step-daughter this Wikipedia piece on
Nutrigenomics recently, she was curious. She had just earned her master’s in
Forensic Biology at UConn, where she has worked in the Medical Center’s research
labs for 20 years (after getting her Bachelor’s in Biology there), and she had
never heard of it. This subject is ‘cutting edge’ and certainly not ‘mainstream,’
yet. But I think it’s time has come because we are now entering an age where the
juncture of technologies will enable its rapid development. It is an exciting
concept, and I will try to describe it to you here, briefly.
Cribbing almost entirely from various entries in Wikipedia,
“In modern molecular biology and genetics, the genome is the entirety of an organism's hereditary information.” “The study of the global properties of
genomes of related organisms is usually referred to as genomics, which
distinguishes it from genetics which generally studies the properties of single
genes or groups of genes.” “Nutrigenomics,”
then, “is the study of the effects of foods and food constituents on
gene expression.” “By doing so, nutrigenomics aims to develop rational means to
optimize nutrition with respect to the subject's genotype, which in the case of
humans is the “genetic make-up,” colloquially speaking, of an individual.
As an individual
then, I could look at this from a purely personal perspective. I was diagnosed a Type 2 diabetic 27 years ago.
I probably “presented” with all the symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome some 35 years
ago – half a lifetime. But now this cohort includes roughly half of the human
race who are overweight or obese and have all the indications of Metabolic
Syndrome: central obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and dysfunctional
glucose regulation (pre-diabetes or “frank” Type 2 diabetes). This is the
cohort of the earth’s population that now eats a Western diet.
“It is hoped that by building up
knowledge in this area, nutrigenomics will promote an increased understanding
of how nutrition influences metabolic pathways and homeostatic control, which
will then be used to prevent the development of chronic diet related diseases such
as obesity and type two diabetes. Part of the approach of nutrigenomics
involves finding markers of the early phase of diet related diseases; this is
the phase at which intervention with nutrition can return the patient to
health. As nutrigenomics seeks to understand the effect of different genetic
predispositions in the development of such diseases, once a marker has been
found and measured in an individual, the extent to which they are susceptible
to the development of that disease will be quantified, and personalized dietary
recommendation(s) can be given for that person.”
The prospect that, as this new science develops, “personalized
dietary recommendation(s) can be given for that person” is appealing. It would
be nice to have some scientific proof
that if one changed one’s diet it “would return the patient to health.” It
would be nice to know the particulars of the gene and protein expression, and
the metabolite production and genetic sequencing, that half of the human race
has that gives it a “genetic predisposition in the development of such
diseases” and is therefore “susceptible to the development of that disease”
(obesity and/or type two diabetes). Such “personalized dietary recommendations”
could then be given to half the world’s
population who have this genotype that predisposes them and makes them
susceptible to such diseases as obesity and type two diabetes.”
Wait a minute! Am I missing something? Am I being dense? We
already have the “markers” – okay, they’re admittedly crude markers compared to
a DNA microarray, but they are the
indications of Metabolic Syndrome: 1) central “truncal” obesity with
associated hypertension, 2) dyslipidemia, particularly low HDL and elevated
triglycerides, 3) and a broken glucose metabolism. Your waist-hip ratio can
tell you almost everything you need to know. And we already know what “intervention with
nutrition can return the patient to health”: a low-carb, high-fat diet. This is
my “prescription,” and I aver it
would work for half the human race, if they would just try it.
If I sound frustrated, it is only that I know that science
needs to prove the self-evident truth by the scientific process: In science you
start with a hypothesis, demonstrate it, test it, test it again to attempt to disprove
it, obtain grant money from an unbiased source to pay salaries, and then patent
your discovery and get rich. That’s how science works today.
But I digress. Nutrigenomics has a laudatory goal. It will
be helpful for the more specialized and increasingly common disorders related
to diet, such as Celiac disease, the
inflammatory bowel diseases (autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s and various
forms of colitis, including ulcerative colitis), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
which can be caused or exacerbated by fiber and food intolerances (FODMAP,
fructose, gluten and casein, for example). To find “markers” in the early phase
of such “chronic diet related diseases” would be a boon for the sufferers. That
will be especially true if in this phase “intervention with nutrition (could) return
the patient to health.” These sufferers will anxiously await developments in
this new science. Of course, when fully developed the symptoms of these
diseases are manifest, and the sufferers already know what they have to do to
avoid them. Just as some of us Type
2s have learned.
If you want to help advance the cause of science
(and for just $99 fund some research), you could participate in a small way
through an ongoing “study”: 23andme.
From a saliva sample, they will analyze your DNA and send you a report.
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