“No butter on your corn?” I didn’t
really say it, but I thought it. Our dinner guest the other night said he would
“pass” on butter for the ear of corn that my wife had prepared as part of our
dinner. In our house we only eat corn “in season,” and that means “in season in
our immediate neighborhood,” so she can be certain it was picked that day. We
also had local tomatoes and a meat course of beef short ribs prepared in a
special way that I love. For dessert we had local blueberries with heavy cream.
For a Low Carber like me, this was a “special occasion” when rules are meant to
be broken (LOL).
But “no butter” on corn is not one of those rules. Besides, without butter, how can you
get all the extra salt to stick? (LOL, again). Well, it turns out our dinner
guest was taking a statin for his “high cholesterol” and was under the care of
a physician who advised him to eat a diet low in saturated fat. That’s a
surmise on my part – the saturated fat part, not the statin part – but a pretty
safe one. Most physicians, and the general public, still believe the diet/heart
hypothesis that associates saturated fat and dietary cholesterol with heart
disease. Regular readers here, and in a gazillion other places in the Ethernet
and in the print world, know that that hypothesis has been completely disproven
– that ingestion of saturated fat does not
cause heart disease, and dietary cholesterol (the cholesterol you eat) has nothing
to do with serum cholesterol (the cholesterol in your bloodstream). Here’s one site of legions for a start if you
want to do your own research: Heart-surgeon-speaks-out-on-what-really-causes-heart-disease. If you prefer a book, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick’s “The Great
Cholesterol Con” is a good read. His video “Statin Nation – The
Documentary” (first 13 minutes) can be seen here.
The incident did give me
pause for thought, though, and my mind drifted to my column. We hadn’t seen our
guest for several years and so, for conversation, I mentioned that I was
writing and publishing a blog twice a week. Our guest seemed interested and
asked the subject. When I said “nutrition,” his reply was, to the effect, what
qualified me to write about nutrition. I found myself on the defensive, and not
very well prepared. Our guest was a very successful, now retired attorney, but
his training, life-long experience and instincts were still sharp. And my
answer pretty lame.
Nevertheless, I told him that my course of self-study included a large library of books, articles and scientific papers I had read. He didn’t seem impressed. Afterwards my wife told me that I should have added my personal (n = 1) experience. She was right of course. I had lost 170 pounds and put my long-term type 2 diabetes in remission, which allowed me to discontinue two oral diabetes meds and reduce the third by three-quarters (to 500mg Metformin once a day). I had also vastly improved my glucose control (as evidenced by my A1c’s) and had dramatically improved my blood pressure (on the same meds). But here’s the zinger I had in my quiver and had failed to use: I was able to discontinue taking statins!
I had at
one time been taking 80mg of Lipitor a day to get my LDLs down to under 70,
which my doctor advised due to multiple “risk factors.” I was able to
discontinue the statin because, as I changed my diet, my HDL more than doubled
and my Triglycerides fell by two-thirds. As a result, although my recent Total
Cholesterol was still above 200 (215), and my LDL above 130 (133), my HDL was
70 and my triglycerides 58. My new doctor, an internist and cardiologist,
wrote: “your cholesterol profile currently conforms to the NCEP-3
standards.” The reason, in part, his
letter continued: “A high HDL may mitigate some of this risk. Triglycerides
should be 150 or less.” These National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines
are used almost universally to inform clinicians on statin use, but they’re
about to change, according to this
story from “Nature,” reprinted in “Scientific American.”
On my latest visit, I asked for a VAP ™ cholesterol test to get more
detail. This time my Total Cholesterol was 219, my LDL 131, my HDL 75 and my
triglycerides 47. The best news in the VAP test though was that my LDL
size/pattern was, “Pattern A – Large Buoyant LDL.” This news didn’t seem to
impress my doctor, but it made my day.
The doctor’s note on my lab report: “Stable, Similar to (previous visit).” So,
bingo! No statins for me. Eat the right diet, not the so-called “healthy diet” that is making so many
Americans, and people worldwide who eat a Western Diet, so very sick, AND YOU
That is what I should have told our dinner guest. But I was too stupid,
or too surprised, or perhaps too polite to tell him. Besides, it’s so much
easier to have the perfect riposte, in writing, and a day late…
Without butter. Instead, the topping is a mixture of olive oil, Parmesan cheese and lemon juice. Olive oil and lemon stick while dipping. To get more information buy medicine online from best online pharmacy in USA.