is ironic, and at the same time amusing to me, that many in the climate change
community, who fashion themselves as “sophisticated,
fact-based practitioners of science,” would deny dissent from skeptics yet embrace the alternative view of
nutritional science espoused here at The Nutrition Debate. The quote above
is from a recent on-line opinion piece in SFGate by Debra J. Saunders. The San Francisco Journal on-line
article is titled, “Climate Change Consensus, no dissent allowed.”
Saunders quotes CNN’s Brian Shelter that “some stories don’t have
two sides.” There’s no need to present climate-change dissenters, he argued,
because “between 95 percent and 97 percent of scientists agree that climate
change is happening, now, and it’s damaging the planet, and that it’s man-made.”
She also reminds us that, “Last year the Los Angeles Times revealed it won’t
print letters that deny a human cause to global warming.” Well, I guess that finally
settles that argument.
The SFGate piece continues, “A 2013 British study of peer-reviewed
papers found that of the 33 percent of papers that took a position on global
warming, 97 percent endorsed the “consensus” position. A Google search on
“global warming consensus” produced 15,700,000 hits, no doubt 97 percent in
agreement with the “happy conceit.” This is what is known as “scientific
consensus.” Everybody piles on to the “accepted” wisdom, and that constitutes
“scientific proof.”
A commenter noted that One
Hundred Authors Against Einstein, a book published in 1931, said the Theory
of Relativity is wrong. When asked to comment, Einstein replied that to defeat
relativity one did not need the word of 100 scientists, just one fact. Another
commenter recalled Nicolaus Copernicus who in 1543 published Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs, a
treatise that put forth his revolutionary idea that the Sun was at the center
of the universe and that the Earth – rotating on an axis – orbited around the
Sun once a year.” We all know what happened to him and his revolutionary ideas.
In September 2012, Peter Attia, MD, announced the launch of the Nutrition Science
Initiative. Co-founded with
acclaimed science journalist Gary Taubes, Attia described the venture as a
“journey to find the truth.” He quotes 19th century physicist John
Tyndall, referring to scientists who follow evolution as a guide, “They have
but one desire – to know the truth. They have but one fear – to believe a lie.”
His piece is also an encomium to the physicist Richard Feynman who said, “It
doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you
are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.”
More recently (Feb ’14), Taubes wrote yet another New York Times op-ed, “Why Nutrition Is So Confusing.” He asks, is the failure of our New Year’s
resolution to lose weight “a failure of willpower or of technique?” “The health
of the nation,” he says, “may depend on which is the correct answer.” There are
two “conflicting observations” at play here, he notes: “We know how to eat
healthy and maintain a healthy weight,” or “something about the conventional
thinking is simply wrong.”
Since 1960, he says, 600,000 articles (and tens of thousands of
diet books) have been published. “It would be nice to think that this deluge of
research has brought clarity to the issue. The trend data argue otherwise. If
we understand these disorders [i.e., obesity and type 2 diabetes] so well, why
have we failed so miserably to prevent them?”
The unfortunate reality, Taubes says, is that, “Type 2 diabetes is
caused or exacerbated by obesity, and obesity is a complex, intractable
disorder. The more we learn, the more we need to know,” and the research to
date is “the noise generated by a dysfunctional research establishment.” (This
is Taubes’s not-so-subtle pitch for support for his “baby,” the Nutrition
Science Initiative, linked to above, that he and Dr. Attia started in 2012.
The rest of the piece in the NYT is an explanation of how long-term
clinical trials, especially the gold standard, randomized controlled trials,
are prohibitively expensive and exceedingly difficult. He jibes that “no
pharmaceutical company stands to benefit” and further laments “prospective
sources of funding are limited…”particularly when we insist the answers are
already known,” which brings me back to the climate change dissent point
wherein I began…and to the search for truth.
The scientific method requires that a hypothesis be rigorously
tested, with a skeptical bias, and then “the proof” replicated. Such clinical
trials to “prove” that dietary fat caused heart disease, were necessary,
scientists acknowledged, but could not be undertaken, for reasons he gives.
“Since then,” Taubes wrote, “advice to restrict fat and avoid saturated fat has
been based on supposition about what would have happened had such trials been
done, not on the trials themselves.”
Taubes continues, “Nutritionists have adjusted to this reality by
accepting a lower standard of evidence on what they’ll believe to be true.” “One
lesson of science, though, is that if the best you can do isn’t good enough to
establish reliable knowledge, first acknowledge it – relentless honesty about
what can and cannot be extrapolated from data is another core principle of
science – and then do more, or do
something else. We have a field of sort-of-science
in which hypotheses are treated as facts because they’re too hard or expensive
to test” (emphases added by me). Wow! I love that.
Taubes isn’t ambiguous about what his personal bias is (He says, “My vote is
sugars and refined grains; we all have our biases.”) I admit to the same bias, and will continue
to test my beliefs in my ever
vigilant search for the truth. Stay tuned.
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