Those in the know
– the cognoscenti – know that eating Low Carb, or Very Low Carb, is not a diet; it’s a Way of Eating (WOE). And in the parlance of the medical
establishment (skewed to my purpose),
it’s a lifestyle change.
It’s also true
that if you make this lifestyle change – that is, follow this WOE – you will lose weight, but that’s a secondary
or “side” effect. Of course, you might make this change with the purpose of losing weight (as my doctor
suggested I do), but even if that’s your primary motive, the effect on your general health, in many
respects beyond weight loss, will be a much broader benefit than the lost
weight: e.g., lipids (cholesterol), blood pressure (hypertension), and
inflammation markers like hsCRP.
It’s worth noting,
however, that in “prescribing” Very Low Carb (VLC) my doctor didn’t know this.
He must have had an inkling though because as he walked me down the hall to
schedule my next appointment, he put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Dan, this
might even help your diabetes!” I was morbidly obese and had been a diagnosed Type
2 diabetic for 16 years. That was 14 years and 140 pounds ago. And within a day
of starting VLC, I had a hypo. I called him and he took me off the 3rd
oral med that I had just started. The next day, after another hypo, he cut the
other two “maxed out” oral meds in half, and a few days later he had to cut
them in half again.
So I guess it’s
fair to say the Very Low Carb WOE did
help my diabetes, as my doctor thought it might – even though that was NOT the
reason either he put me on it or I agreed
to do it. We both wanted me to lose weight – he because he thought
(wrongly) that obesity was a “risk factor” and possibly a “cause” of type 2
diabetes. In point of fact, as many doctors and others “in the know” now
understand, insulin resistance, the condition that leads to Type 2 diabetes, is
what causes obesity, as I’ll explain in a moment.
If it makes sense to you that eating low carb
is a safe and effective way to lose weight, as is now generally accepted by
most “establishment” medical researchers, clinicians, food writers, pundits and
TV personalities, doesn’t it make sense that eating a high carb diet is how
that weight got on our bodies in the first place? Surely you’ve heard it; it’s
been reported ad nauseum. And
everyone knows how they fatten feed-lot beef; they feed them corn from a trough for weeks on end! So,
why does our government still push a high
carb diet on everyone – one size fits all – even the overweight, obese,
insulin resistant, pre-diabetic and Type 2s among us?!!!
If you’re
genetically predisposed, a diet very high in carbohydrates (say 60%, the amount
on which the % Daily Value is based on the USDA’s Nutrition Facts panel), especially carbs that are
refined and thus “pre-digested,” leads to overload on the liver and on insulin
receptors on the surface of cells that take up the glucose. The overload
results in backup which results in resistance (in the destination cells) and
conversion (in the liver).
The pancreas
responds by secreting more insulin to help the destination cells take up the
glucose, producing thus an elevated level of insulin circulating in the blood.
In the liver, when it’s full of glucose (glycogen in the storage form), it
makes fat. And when the brain gets the signal that there’s an elevated level of
insulin circulating (to help the resistant cells take up the glucose it is
transporting), it gets the message that it doesn’t need to break down body fat
for fuel. It can run on all that glucose “going around.”
Eventually, with
all that insulin circulating, the glucose gets taken up and your blood sugar
crashes. Your body now needs, indeed craves,
more fuel to maintain a steady energy state (homeostasis). But with your
insulin still elevated, the signal to
break down body fat for fuel is blocked, so your body tells you to eat. Your
chance to burn body fat is lost. When you then eat or drink to satisfy your
hunger, this overloads your already full liver, which converts the carbs to fat
(de novo lipogenesis).
If you’re lucky, you’ll just get fatter; you
won’t get non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
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