Retrospective #155, “Cowabunga, the ADA makes the turn,” I lauded the ADA on
their new (2013) Position Paper, “Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management
of Adults with Diabetes.” I pointed out that it was written by and primarily
for RDs and CDEs and could be summed up thus: “It is the position of the
American Diabetes Association (ADA) that there is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’
eating pattern for individuals with diabetes.”
From my POV
that meant that low-carb eating was now “healthful,” period. No caveats, as the
ADA had before.
In the
“Cowabunga” column I noted that this position statement was requested and
approved by the ADA Executive Committee, largely comprised of practicing
physicians. Nutrition Therapy is pretty much the exclusive domain of RD and
CDEs, since doctors are poorly trained and generally unqualified to practice in
this area. Some clinical practices employ and others refer patients to RDs and
CDEs. The RDs and CDEs could lead the way.
I also
noted in #155 that I had some misgivings about the new nutrition guidelines,
especially with respect to the ADA’s problematic position on dietary fats. It was
beyond the purview of the ADA’s RD and CDE committee, they said; It would have
been “tilting at windmills” for them to take it on. They would “duck.” But did
they? You decide.
The ADA’s
new Position Paper states, “Due to the lack of research [?!] in this area,
people with diabetes should follow the guidelines for the general population”
(“Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010,” 10% of calories from SFAs [saturated
fats] to reduce CVD risk.” The paper continues, “Consumers can meet this
guideline by replacing foods high in SFA (i.e., full-fat dairy products, butter,
marbled meats and bacon, and tropical oils such as coconut and palm) with items
that are rich in MUFA and PUFA (i.e., vegetable and nut oils, canola, corn,
safflower, soy, and sunflower; vegetable oil spreads; whole nuts and nut
butters and avocado.” So, this is still what the ADA advocates.
the MUFA (monounsaturated fat) recommendation has universal endorsement, the
PUFA (polyunsaturated) vegetable and seed oil recommendation is extremely
troublesome and problematic. So, the next “windmill” is clearly on the horizon.
Dulcinea, be patient. Don Quixote is on the way. The battle is about to begin. On
one side we have the RDs and CDEs who have their domain: nutrition therapy. On
the other, the physicians whose bailiwick is medical, guided by the “ADA
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.” It is all-governing for them.
And on
the sidelines, The Lancet, one of the
world’s leading medical journals. A few weeks after the ADA produced the new guidelines,
The Lancet issued this: “Diabetes -- a call for research papers.” What’s
so unusual about that?
In the
first paragraph, the “call” notes that oral hypoglycemic agents, and later Metformin
specifically, became “mainstays of treatment for Type 2 diabetes.” It then
laments, “Although newer treatments with better defined modes of action have
been developed, there is still no cure for this disease.” Okay, that’s the
traditional thinking about Type 2 diabetes. Doctors prescribe “diet and
exercise” -- the wrong diet, and exercise for weight loss,
both of which are fruitless, and then they add pharmacotherapy, to “delay or
prevent” the complications of diabetes.
Now, The Lancet (el don) to the rescue: it “invites high-quality original research
papers to be published to coincide with” the ADA’s Scientific Sessions in San
Francisco in June 2014. The scope of research is wide open -- “any aspect of Type
1 or Type 2 diabetes.” “Priority will be given to studies that have
the potential to change clinical practice.” Do you see this the way
I do? Do you see the potential for a conjunction of nutrition therapy with clinical practice? Is this a call for research to show
that the
right diet, a low-carb diet, can be effective in treating Type 2
like the knight-errant, I live in a dream world on the plains of La Mancha.
Maybe I should just accept that many people will fail on a low carb diet. At least now it will not be because
they were told that low-carb eating is “unhealthy.” But, if the ADA’s RDs and CDEs can “make the
turn,” why cannot los medicos make the
turn as well? It’s time to get it right and by “publishing your best research…,
advance knowledge and add to the clinical approaches needed to limit the global
harm of diabetes.” The Lancet appears
to be in earnest. Good on them, I say.
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