table on the left displays (or will display, when I figure out how to do it in Blogger) my Triglycerides (TG) for the
last 34 years. Yesterday’s Retrospective #67, has, or will have when it is
fixed, a similar table of my HDL Cholesterol. Another Retrospective later
will display TC/HDL and TG/HDL ratios.
reference range for healthy triglycerides is less than 150mg/dl. Only 10 of
my 69 TG tests have been over 150. Seven of those were more than 10 years ago,
before I started eating Very Low Carb (VLC), and the other 3 were in the
first year of eating VLC.
The “before and after VLC” triglyceride test results are
revealing: The average of the 21 TGs before I began VLC was 137. The average
of the first 10 months that I ate 20g of carbs a da,y and lost 60 lbs. (but
wasn’t taking fish oil), was 103. The average of the last 18 tests during
which I continued VLC on Bernstein (30g/day of carbs), and lost another 100 lbs.,
and was taking four, then three, now 2 grams of fish oil/day, and eating a
can of sardines for lunch, is 49mg/dl (range 21 to 88). THIS BEFORE AND
now eat VLC. Seventy percent 70% of my
diet is fat -triglycerides! I eat lots of saturated fat. In 2012 I ate 700
mg of cholesterol a day, including, for breakfast, 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon
and half and half in my coffee. Obviously avoiding dietary fat is not the
answer. It is indeed a paradox, if
you accept the dietary and nutritional advice of mainstream medicine.
is true, my results are only anecdotal, n = 1, but it would be a mistake to
think that this outcome is an isolated result. It is widely reported in the literature
under the subject “Carbohydrate Hypothesis.” You can discover this for
yourself with an Internet search.
science writer Gary Taubes pioneered in popularizing this hypothesis,
starting with his game-changing, 2002 NYT Sunday Magazine cover story, “What
If It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie.” He later addressed the subject in great
detail in his 2007 tome, “Good Calories-Bad Calories” (“The Diet Delusion” in
the UK), and later the more ‘accessible’ “How We Get Fat: And What to Do
About It.” Taubes has influenced many young clinicians.
compelling case for the benefits of low triglycerides, combined with high
HDL, was made in this 2008 August 63(4) 427-432 PubMed Central peer-reviewed
paper. Retrospective #27 refers to it with this quote: the ratio of
Triglycerides to HDL (TG/HDL) is “the single most powerful predictor of extensive
coronary heart disease among all the lipid variables examined.” Note: neither
Total Cholesterol (TC) nor the “bad” LDL, is mentioned.
this new (but not yet widely adopted) standard, a TG/HDL ratio ≤ 1.0 is
considered ideal, a ratio of ≤ 2.0 is good, a ratio of 4.0 is considered high
and a ratio of 6.0 is much too high. So, how do my TG/HDL “before and after”
ratios calculate and stack up? Referring to Retrospective #67, “HDL
and the Very Low Carb Diet,” for HDL, here are my calculations:
I was a heavily medicated Type 2 diabetic and eating a “balanced” diet:
TG/HDL 3.2. When I first lost 60 lbs. on VLC but was not taking fish oil: TG/HDL =2.2.
Later, when I was eating VLC, lost 100 lbs. more, was taking fish oil and
eating sardines daily: TG/HDL = 0.67
the seeming paradox of eating Very Low Carb with lots of fat, including saturated
fat and cholesterol, and taking fish oil and eating sardines daily, is NOT a
paradox. Maybe it’s a healthy Way of Eating. Ya’ think? These results certainly
suggest that to me. More and more folks (including many clinicians) now seem
to think so too. So, what’s your ratio?
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Retrospective #68: Triglycerides, Fish Oil and Sardines
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