The contemporary medical literature is replete
with macro analyses and other epidemiological studies that attempt to show a
correlation between heart attack risk and blood lipids. The last two columns,
“Understanding Your Lipid Panel” and “The Cause and Treatment of Heart Disease”
address this issue from different directions. In this Retrospective we’ll put a
fine point on the subject of lipid ratios.
In the 1960’s Total Cholesterol (TC) became a
common and inexpensive test. As the main metric of “the Lipid Hypothesis,” created
by Ancel Keys and popularized by the American Heart Association, it became the
universal marker for predicting heart disease risk. That was more than half a
century ago. We’ve come a long way since then.
The dietary
advice then and now for high Total
Cholesterol was to eat less saturated fat and other animal foods high in dietary cholesterol. This was the
modality even though the body needs cholesterol for many essential purposes
(see Retrospective #24), and it makes
up what we don’t eat by manufacturing it
needed. The threshold for high Total Cholesterol was established at
200mg/dl. It remains today at 200mg/dl.
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) is a component of
TC. Even though the common test developed and used then and now to determine LDL was and is a calculated value, not a direct measurement, it became a popular
target in the 80’s when big pharma developed drugs – statins – that lowered it.
By lowering LDL, statins also lowered Total Cholesterol. So, doctors prescribed
statins to anyone and everyone whose TC was over 200. A recent AMA editorial suggested by
2020 Lipitor,
Crestor, Zocor, and their generics will approach $1 trillion in world-wide annual sales.
At the same time medical science has come to have
an increased understanding of other components of the Lipid Panel – High
Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Triglycerides (TG) –and their role in Cardio
Vascular Disease (CVD) risk. Unfortunately, these developments have garnered
little attention since Big Pharma hasn’t developed blockbuster drugs to
influence them. Fish oil lowers Triglycerides (see Retrospective #22), but fish
oil can’t be patented.
Most lipid panel lab results these days do
however include a ratio of TC to HDL (TC/HDL) with a recommendation that it
should be less than 5.0. So, if your TC is 200, then HDL should not be less than 40. While this at least
recognizes the importance of HDL, it is not a standard to be emulated. It is dangerous.
A good ratio is ≤3.5.
Many enlightened practitioners today, however,
use the ratio of Triglycerides to HDL (TG/HDL) as “the
single most powerful predictor of extensive coronary heart disease among all
the lipid variables examined,” according to just one of many
articles in the literature. The study I quote is in Clinics at PubMed Central 2008 August 63(4) 427-432. Note,
importantly, that neither TC nor LDL is a factor in this
formula. This ratio is considered by informed clinicians today to
be more reliable than LDL, TC/HDL, or chronic systemic inflammation, hsCRP, the
marker my doctor uses.
Using this new gold standard, a TG/HDL ≤ 1.0 is
considered ideal, a ratio of ≤2.0 is good, a ratio of 4.0 is considered high
and 6.0 much too high. My recent TG/HDL = 0.35, interpreted to mean a very low probability of heart attack.
Big Pharma is hard at work looking for the next
blockbuster drug to lower Triglycerides or raise HDL. Alas, so far, diet --
that is, the food we eat -- is the only thing that seems to work, and Big Pharma
isn’t in that business.
Agribusiness, however, sees the potential for a huge
piece of the action here, but there isn’t much profit in “real food.” Ask your
local farmer. But processed foods – that can be labelled and marketed as “heart
healthy, have gained the stamp of approval of the American Heart Association,
whose budget is largely supported by the very same Agribusinesses. These
processed foods, however, do not improve your TG/HDL ratio. They make it worse!
In the coming weeks
we will return often to the subject of so-called “healthy eating.” Our goal
will be to help YOU to improve your TG/HDL ratio. Of course, to do that, you
will need to have a baseline Lipid Profile. If you haven’t had a Cholesterol
Panel done lately, or you don’t know yours, ask your doctor to do one and send
you a copy. And ask him to see how yours shapes up using the new gold standard
for CVD risk: the TG/HDL ratio.
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