In Retrospective #46, we posited that oxidative
stress was one of the three prime contributors to cardiovascular disease, along
with inflammation and imbalances in blood sugar and insulin. What is oxidative
stress and what causes it? Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s ability to neutralize
them. A delicate balance is required. Too many reactive oxidizing species or
too few (or ineffective) anti-oxidant defenses produce oxidative stress. And
oxidative stress can lead to atherogenesis.
Free Radicals are one of the most common ROS. They
have an unpaired electron that makes them highly reactive chemically, but also
generally short-lived. long-lived free radicals can be dangerous too, depending
on their stability. According to Wikipedia, “Excessive amounts of these free
radicals can lead to cell injury and death, which may contribute to many
diseases such as cancer, stroke, myocardial infarction and diabetes. Many forms
of cancer are thought to be the result of reactions between free radicals and
DNA, potentially resulting in mutations that can adversely affect the cell cycle
and potentially lead to malignancy.”
Some of the symptoms of aging such as
atherosclerosis are also attributed to free-radical induced oxidation of many
chemicals in the body. Free radicals contribute to alcohol-induced liver
damage, perhaps more than alcohol itself. Radicals in cigarette smoke are
implicated in the process that promotes the development of emphysema.
Free radicals play an important role in a number
of biological processes, and “some of these are necessary for life, such as the
intracellular killing of bacteria by… macrophages,” according to Wikipedia. See
Retrospective #48. So, because some free radicals are necessary for life, the
body produces a number of enzymes to minimize free radical-induced damage and to
repair damage that does occur. In addition, antioxidants play a key role in
these defense mechanisms. Research is underway to determine the relative
importance and interactions between antioxidants. Meanwhile, antioxidant
supplements to prevent disease are controversial; real food sources are probably
the best.
Antioxidants are classified into two broad
divisions: water soluble or fat soluble. These compounds may be synthesized in
the body or obtained from the diet or through supplementation. Some are mostly
present within cells while others, such as uric acid, are more evenly
distributed. In fact, human blood has a high concentration of water-soluble
uric acid. Antioxidants are found in vegetables, fruits, grains, eggs, meat,
legumes, and nuts. Certain herbs and spices are particularly high in
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): Bell pepper, parsley, broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, cauliflower and kale.
Vitamin E (tocopherols, tocotrienols): green leafy vegetables,
almonds, asparagus, papaya.
Polyphenolic antioxidants (flavonoids): tea, coffee, fruit, olive oil,
chocolate, red wine, herbs and spices.
Carotenoids (lycopene, carotenes, lutein): sweet potatoes, spinach,
tomatoes, and chili peppers.
In general, processed foods contain fewer
antioxidants than fresh and uncooked foods, since generally the preparation
process exposes the food to oxygen.
Wikipedia: “The paradox in metabolism is that,
while the vast majority of complex life on earth requires oxygen for its
existence, oxygen is a highly reactive molecule that damages living organisms
by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS). Consequently, organisms contain a
complex network of antioxidant metabolites and enzymes that work together to
prevent oxidative damage to cellular components such as DNA, proteins and
Oxidant systems
either prevent these reactive species from being formed, or remove them before
they can damage vital components of the cell. However, reactive oxygen species
also have useful cellular functions. Thus, the function of antioxidant systems
is not to remove oxidants entirely, but instead to keep them at an optimum
level.” The oxidative challenge is to maintain proper cellular homeostasis -- a
balance between reactive oxygen production and consumption. Diet and lifestyle
play a large role in this complex system… and
you are in charge.
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