Authors Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinney use the
phrase “carbohydrate intolerance” seven times in their introduction to one of
my favorite books, “The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living.”
They’re telling us something. They’re want to replace the medical term
Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) with “carbohydrate intolerance” to make it more
“accessible,” and I think that’s a great idea.
IGT involves hormones, enzymes and cell receptors,
and unless you’re a molecular biologist, these terms make the eyes glaze over.
Besides, the biological actions that occur within the body are autonomic,
whereas for the most part, we eat food consciously. And we don’t eat glucose. We eat carbs. Our digestive
system breaks down all carbs,
including all simple sugars and all complex carbohydrates (starches),
into single molecules, most of them glucose.
So, “carbohydrate intolerance” is an excellent
way to describe the common disorder that increasing numbers of people have to eating
ALL carbs. I am stressing all carbs because of the popular disinformation campaigns 1) to distinguish
between simple sugars (mono and disaccharides) and “complex” carbohydrates, or
polysaccharides (starches), and 2) consider processed carbs (like white flour)
as preferable to “added sugar” and 3) to differentiate “natural sugars” (as in
fruit) from “added” sugars. Sure, whole
fruits (not fruit juices) contain small amounts of fiber, but they’re all sugar,
folks! They’re all glucose in the blood, where they all get to sooner or later,
mostly sooner.
It is true that table sugar and fruit sugar is sucrose
and breaks down to 50% glucose and 50% fructose. And that fructose is
metabolized differently than glucose; It is diverted to the liver where it is
detoxified and frequently stored as fat.) And that all “complex” carbohydrates (starches) break down and are
absorbed in the blood as glucose. All glucose will raise
blood sugar in the same way, but some complex carbohydrates will raise blood
sugar more quickly and higher that sucrose. Example: a slice of bread vs. an
apple, a banana or a glass of orange juice.
Another extreme example of misinformation about
nutrition is this stupid print advertisement, written by a Registered
Dietitian, in a NYS apple growers association: “The complex carbohydrates in
apples give your body a longer, more even energy boost compared to high-sugar
snacks.” That is false. Utter nonsense. There are no complex carbohydrates in an apple. An apple is 86% water, 3%
(indigestible) fiber and 11% simple sugars (67%
fructose/33%glucose, when digested). An apple is, in fact, just
a delicious high-sugar, high-fructose ‘candy bar’.
So, I applaud the initiative of Volek and Phinney
to create a user-friendly “buzz word” to describe the condition that affects a large
and rapidly growing “cohort” of the population – those who from eating a
“Western Diet,” have succumbed to the common condition known as Metabolic
Syndrome. We are the Carbohydrate Intolerant.
We are also the obese, or as the case may be, the
overweight. Our metabolisms are broken. We make fat and eat for energy when we should be burning body fat for
energy. We are also the hypertensive. And we are the ones with “high
cholesterol,” diagnosed as high Cholesterol and high LDL (because LDL can be treated
with a statin). Whereas, in fact, we have a more difficult-to-treat form of high
cholesterol characterized by low HDL and high triglycerides.
The first step is to recognize yourself – to know that you are a member of this “cohort”
that has an association with being obese or
overweight, has high blood pressure
(because you’re overweight), and has high blood sugar, and high “cholesterol.”
And that having all these indications puts you at much higher risk of death or another morbid outcome. Are you
motivated yet? Will you accept that you
and your doctor have failed
to reverse these markers?
A reasoned approach, on the other hand, would be to
try a different diet. If you are a Type 2 or even prediabetic, or just
overweight and have high blood pressure, you and your doctor already know that carbohydrates raise your blood sugar.
That means, YOU ARE CARBOHYDRATE INTOLERANT! Accept it, and then do something about it!
The consequences of
carbohydrate restriction vary, but in general individuals who recognize, accept,
and deal with carbohydrate intolerance report weight loss and greatly improved
health and quality of life. Why not try it?
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