In Retrospective #213 I told how, by just restricting carbs,
and later protein, that I ate for weight loss, my blood sugar control, blood
pressure, blood lipids, and inflammation markers all vastly improved. You (and your doctor) would be very happy to
have these results (as I and mine are), but the story doesn’t end there. There
is more to tell.
Starting at 375 pounds, I lost the first 60 pounds
in nine months (1½ pounds a week) by eating just 20g of carbs a day.
I wrote down everything I ate every day, estimating carb grams. No measuring – just
guessing. It gave me heightened awareness and accountability for what I decided
to eat – and I learned a lot about
which foods contained carbs and how they affected my blood sugar. When
I started Very Low Carb (VLC) in 2002, I had been a progressively worsening Type
2 diabetic for 16 years. I left my diabetes care to my doctor. Now, I rely on self-care for my
diabetes health.
After 4 years, however, I began to slip and gained 12 pounds.
I wanted to lose those 12 pounds and a
lot more. That’s when I decided to count protein. I devised my own
method for determining how much protein to eat, which I explain in Retrospective
#213. I started at 90 grams of protein a day (1.1g/kg), later dropping in steps
to 60 grams (0.9g/kg).
That only left fat and total calories. I chose an online site
to do the calculations. All I had to do was to remember, truthfully, everything
I ate and enter the estimated amounts. The software did the rest.
I determined how many grams of fat to eat by backing into the
calculation. I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week. At 3,500 calories/pound that is
7,000kcal/wk., or 1,000kcal/day. If a mostly sedentary, older male who doesn’t
exercise needs 2,200kcal/day to maintain his weight, then I would need to eat
just 1,200 kcal/day to lose 2 pounds a week. And 90 grams of protein + 30 grams
of carbohydrate = 120 grams, times 4 calories/gram, equals 480 calories.
Subtracted from 1200, that leaves 720 calories for fat. At 9 calories/gram for
fat, that means my allowance for fat was 80 grams a day.
That’s where I started on Richard K Bernstein’s 6-12-12
program for diabetics. I didn’t care about macronutrient ratios or ketosis. I
just ate Very Low Carb and “moderate protein.” Result: I
lost 100 pounds in 50 weeks (2 pounds a week, as planned), lowering
my protein as I went along. I lowered protein from 90 grams to 75 and then
eventually, today, just 60 grams a day, which is 20% of 1,200kcal
and still 20% above
the USDA’s guidelines (50g/d or 10% of 2,000kcal).
Later, I became interested in Macronutrient ratios. The diet that worked for me (where
I lost 100 pounds) was 10% carbs (30g/day), 30% protein (90g/day) and 60% fat
(80g/day). Thirty percent protein is the highest percent most experts recommend
for protein, and then only if you have no kidney problems. Your blood markers
for kidney disease should be tested by your doctor before you start and
rechecked annually on any moderately high protein diet.
As I lost weight, and
discovered low carb foods that I liked for breakfast and lunch,
and ate good fats, and small low carb and protein
suppers, I lowered both my protein and carbs, and increased my fat percentages.
My macronutrient ratios changed, from 7% carb (20g), 25% (75g) protein and
68% fat (90g) to 5% carb (15g), 25% protein (75g) and 70% fat (90g).
Now, they are 5% carb (15g), 20% protein (60g) and 75% fat (98g). All of
these ratios are for 1,200kcal/day.
It’s pretty easy to eat this way because “my body” is telling
me that it is “happy.” I have come to think of my body as a separate entity
that I am living in. I just eat small meals at mealtimes. This is
called “non-homeostatic” eating. That is, I am not eating because
my body is telling me to; I am not hungry at mealtimes. I am
eating because breakfast, lunch and supper are “mealtimes.” My body decides
what to do with the food, to add fat or burn fat and maintain muscle.
So, what do I eat? Breakfast is 3 eggs, 1 strip
of bacon and a cup of coffee with heavy cream and a little stevia powder. Lunch
is usually a can of kippered herring snacks in brine or Brisling sardines (in
olive oil!). And supper is a small portion of protein, usually a fatty meat or
fish, and a low-carb vegetable, either tossed in butter or roasted in olive
oil. If I snack (before supper only), my favorite is celery with anchovy paste.
Sometimes I’ll have olives, or radishes with salt and a dollop of butter, or a
small portion of nuts. Macadamia nuts have the fewest Omega 6s, while
hazelnuts, almonds or pecans have moderate amounts. Cashews are too high in
carbs and walnuts much too
high in Omega 6s.
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