About one-third through Nina
Teicholz’s, The Big Fat Surprise,
possibly the best book yet on nutrition and healthy eating for the whole human
race, I came across a reference I had never seen before. Nina describes herself
as a tireless researcher with a nine-year obsession reading thousands of
scientific papers, but she does not explain how she came upon this citation
from the Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 4, Verses 1-5 (New International
“Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.
She said, ‘With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man.’ [2] Later she
gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.
[3] In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an
offering to the LORD. [4] But Abel brought fat portions from some of the first
born of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering. [5] but
on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So, Cain was very angry
and his face was downcast.”
Well, we all know what happened next:
Cain killed Abel. How prophetic! Cain, who favored “the fruits of the soil,”
killed his brother who favored animal fat. When I read this passage the NIV
Study Bible to my wife, she said it sounded “paraphrased.” So, I went to her
copy of “The Revised Standard Version” of The Holy Bible. Verse 4 there reads:
“And Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And
the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offerings.” When I read this to my
wife, she had to agree it was essentially the same: God favors animal fat.
But just to be sure, I searched
online for the King James Version of the Bible (the one I grew up with). Verses
4-5 read as follows: “[4] And
Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.
And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: [5] But unto Cain and to his offering
he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.” So too,
the Samaritan Pentateuch (Hebrew language version of the Torah), Septuagint,
Vulgate, Syriac, even the Masoretic Text, all have the same ancient message: God looks upon animal fat with special
When my wife was satisfied that Nina
Teicholz had accurately cited the passage from Genesis in The Big Fat Surprise, she got the message and then contributed to
the message with this: The New Testament’s Parable of the Prodigal Son (NIV Luke
15: 11-31), paraphrased: When the “lost” son, who had squandered his
inheritance (while his father lived), and returns home to humbly ask for his
father’s forgiveness, the father instead celebrates the return of his “lost”
son, with these words: [23] “Bring the fattened
calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.” God favors animal fat.
Has animal fat always been the
preferred source of nutrients for optimal human health? That we evolved to
select the “fat portions” of our “fattened” domesticated animals to eat first? Tribal
peoples all over the world, who were neither
Jews nor Christians, also preferred the fat and viscera (organs) rather than muscle
meat. Teicholz writes (pg. 17) “…the Inuit [aka Eskimos] were careful to save
fatty meat and organs for human consumption while giving leaner meat to the
dogs. In this way, humans ate as other large, meat-eating mammals do. Lions and
tigers, for instance, first eat the blood, hearts, kidneys, livers, and brains
of the animals they kill, often leaving the muscle meat for vultures.”
Vilhjallmur Stefansson, the
Harvard-trained anthropologist, learned this during the year he spent living
with the Inuit in the arctic. He ate the
same meat and fat, including organ meat, as the Inuit. And when he returned
home and was ridiculed for reporting his observations, he submitted to a
year-long experiment eating just “the Eskimo diet.” And “during the ensuing
year,” Teicholz wrote, “Stefansson fell ill only once – when experimenters
encouraged him to eat only lean meat without the fat.” “Diarrhea and a feeling
of general baffling discomfort,” Stefansson said, “were quickly cured by a meal
of fat sirloin steaks and brains fried in bacon fat.”
But lions and tigers and even Eskimos
are not part of our experience. We are products of what has come to be called
Western Civilization. And we have
become victims of our own prodigal past. We have abandoned our traditional ways
of eating and have been led astray by “Cain” and a diet of mostly processed grains,
sugars and “vegetable” (seed) oils.
By some accounts, you
can’t get much earlier in the history of the human race than Adam and Eve, who
begat Cain and Abel. And, “(I)n the beginning” God looked with favor on Abel
and on animal fat. So, where did we go wrong?
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