If yesterday’s post left you, dear
reader, in a quandary, that was not
my purpose. Nor do I think was it Dr. Jason Fung’s intention. The title of his blog post, “Futility of Blood Sugar Lowering in T2D,”
was an accurate reflection of this premise: lowering blood
glucose by using medications (such as insulin
and sulfonylureas) that cause weight
gain, is demonstrably harmful to the
patient. So, lowering blood
glucose by that method, as is still the Standard of Care, is
worse than useless; it is malpractice. There, I said it (if he didn’t).
To see that conclusively, you have
only to read Retrospective #346, or Dr. Fung’s blog, or acquaint yourself with
the cardiovascular outcomes of the UKPDS and ACCORD studies. On the other hand,
the drug Metformin does suppress unwanted hepatic (liver)
glucose production and improve
insulin sensitivity/glucose uptake, and thus lower blood glucose, without
weight gain. Dr. Fung concludes
his blog, however, with the lamentation: “Yet, here we sit in 2016, with no
better idea of how to treat type 2 diabetes than to lower blood sugars.” If you
haven’t guessed it, this statement is just prelude. He goes much further.
Dr. Fung’s point was that lowering
blood glucose alone, as practiced
today by most clinicians, though well-intentioned, has negative consequences and is insufficient;
must instead be in conjunction with lowering blood INSULIN levels.
only makes sense to reduce BOTH glucotoxicity and insulin toxicity,”
he says in an earlier blog post. “Drugs such as SGLT2 Inhibitors do this, but diet
is obviously the best way. Low Carb diets. Intermittent Fasting.”
For the mechanism of action, see #328 or read Dr. Fung’s very good book, “The
Obesity Code.”
Why is an elevated blood insulin
considered “toxic”? Because it is the lynch pin and impetus for a constellation
of metabolic disorders, starting with Insulin Resistance, that
have come to be known as Metabolic Syndrome. An
elevated insulin leading to Insulin Resistance has been caused by the changed
dietary practices of the last century, in which highly processed carbohydrate
“foods” and vegetable (seed) oils have proliferated.
These two developments have been
abetted by an officialdom who, in a misguided effort to protect our arteries,
has encouraged us, since 1977, to avoid foods containing saturated fat and
cholesterol. Instead, they have replaced them with more highly processed carbs and vegetable oils. The Dietary
Guidelines for Americans were first published in 1980 and have changed little
since. In 2015 the DGA did however drop the limitation on total fats, and the
300mg/day cap on dietary cholesterol, but
they doubled down on replacing
saturated fat with vegetable oils. And the % DV on the Nutrition
Facts panel on food boxes and bags is still 60% carbohydrate, 30% fat and
10% protein.
The effect of these guidelines has
been an accelerated introduction of manufactured food products to conform to
them and a mass movement in the culture to adopt them. The outcome, as we
develop the markers of metabolic disease – obesity, hypertension, type 2
diabetes, high cholesterol, dyslipidemia, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD) – is a growing body of evidence that this nationwide dietary experiment
has, tragically, gone awry.
All of these chronic
metabolic disorders are related, and all of them can be traced back to a chronically
elevated blood INSULIN, i.e. INSULIN RESISTANCE (IR) that
is caused by what we eat. Carbohydrates start the
process by signaling the pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin is required to
transport the digested carbs (as glucose) and to open the door to the cells
that take up the glucose for energy. While more and more insulin is
circulating, trying to “open the door,” it signals the body’s other source of
energy, stored body fat, that it is not needed. Body fat is, in
fact, blocked from use. So, while both glucose and insulin circulate, we do not burn body fat for energy, we are
in energy imbalance, we are hungry and we eat. And any carbs or fat we overeat
is converted by the liver to more body fat.
An elevated blood insulin starts it: insulin resistance, obesity,
hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, ED and NAFLD all follow. So,
as Jason Fung says, “It only makes sense to reduce BOTH
glucotoxicity and insulin toxicity,” and “diet
is obviously the best way” to do it. “Low Carb diets. Intermittent Fasting.”
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