In Retrospective #342, I asked, “Is cheating okay?” I answered (to
myself) “no,” with an explanation. I stipulated:
“So long as I remain in a state of mild ketosis (remember: that’s without
hunger), IF I EAT, it is for
another reason, and there are many:
a) the sight or smell or food, b) the thought of food, c) rationalizations (an
open bag or box in the pantry), d) social pressures (when a dinner guest, food
is offered), e) unsolicited food (bread at the restaurant table, hors
d’hoeuvres at a party), e) thoughts of deprivation (everyone else is eating
dessert at the pot luck), and habit, such as eating two or three meals a day.
To all these things I have – in fact, I
need, only one reply: I ask myself, “Am I hungry?” The answer, of course,
is “no,” and that is almost always sufficient.”
It occurred to me afterwards, however, that the most common “other” occasion for my non-hunger driven eating is “nervous eating”: eating
(alone mostly) and for no good reason! How could I have
overlooked this!
Since writing #345, I have managed somehow to stick (mostly) to plan. It
has gotten easier and easier, because so long as I eat mostly foods that are
protein and fat, I’m never hungry. Day after day, week
after week!
In the morning I have cream in my coffee. That’s it. Enough to take
pleasure from it, and swallow a few pills.
For lunch, I have a small meal, a snack really. Just a can or small tin
of kippered herring in brine, or 2 hard boiled eggs with some homemade mayo.
Sometimes, I eat a can of sardines in EVOO. Why do I eat lunch? (I’m still not hungry, and therefore I’m
breaking Retrospective #319, Rule #2, “Eat only when hungry”). My rationale?
Habit? Boredom? A break from morning activity? Who knows… but I rationalize
that it’s a small meal, and it’s all
protein and fat.
Then, for supper, my wife prepares a small plate of protein/fat and a
low-carb vegetable. Last night it was two small New Zealand grass-fed lamb
chops and cauliflower pureed with full-fat cream cheese and pecorino Romano.
Delicious! I wanted more, but not
because I was hungry; it was that good! My supper was accompanied
by a 2nd red wine spritzer, to wash down my evening pills. The first
one preceded supper – a “happy hour” of sorts.
And then as we settled in to watch Jeopardy, I got “restless.” I say
“restless” because it was an
urge of sorts or thought. I was tempted to eat, but not because I was hungry. I was in a “fed” state; my stomach was not the source. It was “nerves.”
I wanted something else? Was it an emotional need? Hey, I’m not of a mind for “the
couch” – too much there to explore, and way
too dangerous (LOL). But if my need was not alimentary, then the
gastrointestinal tract was not the road to fulfillment. If the need lay
elsewhere, I reasoned, I would need an alternate way to satisfy it.
I recall that when I addressed this issue originally in Retrospective #63,
“Impulse Control and Metacognition,” I relied on
a substitution approach, using an alternate
thought (to the urge to eat) to replace and distract me from the urge
or temptation. This usually worked. It replaced one thought (the “temptation”)
with another. such as reading novel with an engrossing narrative. The approach
advocated in #319, #342 and reprised above and again here is, “To all these
things [temptations or urges] I have – in fact, I need first only to ask myself: ‘Am I hungry?’ The answer, of
course, is ‘no,’ and that is almost always sufficient.” It really is. It
completely eliminates the emotional or “nervous need” to eat. It is entirely rational, and
it’s working for me.
I have been helped in this direct approach by insights I’ve
obtained from Daniel Kahneman’s brilliant book, “Thinking Fast and Slow.” It is
premised on his concept of System 1 (fast) thinking which operates
automatically, intuitively, involuntary, and effortlessly, and System 2 (slow)
thinking, which requires slowing down, deliberating, solving problems,
reasoning, computing, focusing, concentrating, considering other data, and not
jumping to quick conclusions. Nervous eating is System 1. Not eating when not
hungry is System 2.
Of course, slow thinking is made easier if you are “keto adapted.” When
you are mildly ketogenic, with low serum insulin, and a stable blood sugar that
is normal for the fasted state, your body is breaking down stored body fat for
energy. Your metabolism is “pumped;” it’s in a happy balance, called
“homeostasis.” It’s “the normal state of man.”
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