As Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine said, “First,
do no harm.” The warning is as true today as it was almost 2,500 years ago. If
you go to THIS* hospital for outpatient
Type 2 diabetes care, IT WILL CAUSE YOU HARM.
I discovered this while visiting my wife in 2017 as she was
recovering from successful back surgery (yeah!). I decided to check out the
cafeteria and along the way saw signs for the Diabetes Care Center and decided
to visit. The waiting room and reception station were empty, so I just gathered
up all the free literature I could find.
There were four types of literature available: 1) two 3-fold
8½ x 11 glossy sheets promoting the hospital’s Diabetes Care Center, 2) two 8½
by 11, 3-page, 2-sided color pages about “Healthy Eating” and food “Tips for
People with Diabetes,” “brought to you by the AADE (American Association of
Diabetes Educators), and “supported by an educational grant from Eli Lilly and
Company,” a big pharma company that makes insulin, 3) two different 5 x 7
glossy magazines filled with diabetes drug advertisements, and 4) an
educational flyer about injecting insulin.
As you can see, the theme that dominated this
“individualized” diabetes education program was 1) drugs and 2) medical devices,
to wit: “initiation of insulin, instruction on blood sugar monitoring, insulin
pump therapy, continuous glucose monitoring sensors, medical nutrition therapy
and follow-up education,” all the domain of doctors and RNs.
One of the hospital brochures specifically addressed advice
for Pre-diabetics. For them, it said, “Dieticians who are Certified Diabetes
Educators serve as resources,” both for “medical providers” [doctors and RNs]
and “participants” [diabetes patients]. For the Diabetes Educators’ advice, I
turned to the 3-page handouts on “Healthy Eating” and “Summer Fun and Food Tips
for People with Diabetes.” And this is what I am warning you to avoid, like
the plague.
Essentially, the American Association
of Diabetes Educators (AADE), the organization of CDEs (Certified Diabetes
Educators), espouses the same one-size-fits-all diet for Pre-diabetics and Type
2 diabetics that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015) prescribe for everyone else in the U. S. over 2 years
old: that is, “the plate method,” except in the “Summer Fun” version, they call it “the
paper plate plan”:
Fill ½ the plate with non-starchy
vegetables (such as greens, green beans, broccoli, cabbage)
¼ should contain meat or other protein
(fish, eggs, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, beans or legumes)
¼ contains starch (such as a potato or
whole grain bread)
On the side, include an 8-ounce glass of
low-fat milk or a small piece of fruit
Also, you are reminded that a “healthy meal plan” should
include “a limited amount of “heart-healthy fats.” Examples given are oils and
nuts, all high in unsaturated
fats. Meats should be “lean” and cheeses “low-fat,” in other words, as low as
possible in saturated fats and dietary cholesterol. Straight from
the USDA/HHS’s “Dietary Guidelines.”
Your plate in this “healthy meal plan” is thus ¾’s carbohydrates. But TYPE 2 DIABETES IS A
DIETARY DISEASE!!! Of eating too many carbohydrates?!!!
Doesn’t the AADE and their CDEs know that?!!! Apparently, they do because
elsewhere they want you to “count carbohydrates,” lose weight and exercise. But
how are you going to do that on THIS meal plan, especially, as they advise, if you eat
“small snacks between meals…to help keep your body going”?
Answer: the hospital outpatient department will help you with
1) “emotional support,” 2) “empowerment,” and 3) “tools for self-care”
(“education” and a meter). They will also supply you with oral medications (as
needed, up to max dose of 3 different classes), then “initiation of insulin” injections,
insulin pump therapy, continuous glucose monitoring sensors, and eventually –
and here’s where THIS hospital excels – they’ll help you with bariatric (weight
loss) surgery.
Want proof? THIS* nameless hospital proudly
proclaims on a plaque in the corridor that it is ranked among best in the
country for “Bariatric Surgery…” So, rest assured, once they get you in their
outpatient diabetes department – as a Pre-diabetic or Type 2 – your diabetes will
“progress” on their very high carb “healthy eating plan,”
your glucose regulation will continue to deteriorate, and you
will begin injecting insulin or using a pump and a Continuous Glucose Monitor,
or become a candidate for surgery. Solution:
Don’t go to this hospital’s outpatient diabetes department.
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