Sunday, January 28, 2018

Type 2 Nutrition #417: The NEXT 25 Most Popular Posts

Last week, in "Readership Statistics" (just scroll down), I listed the 10 most popular posts I’ve written since I started this blog in 2010. Since most of them were viewed as a result of a search engine query, the result is biased in favor of low-numbered posts. I was disappointed, therefore, that some of my personal favorites were not included.
In an effort to correct the low-number bias and include some of my own favorites, I decided this week to offer you the NEXT 25 most popular. It turns out, however, having now done the search, that most of the next 25 are also low-numbered. Maybe my recent subject matter is of lower-interest. Who knows? Let me know.
The NEXT 25 Most Popular Posts
1 #68 Triglycerides, Fish Oil and Sardines Compelling N=1 evidence; also #281, #282 and #283 to raise HDL-C.
2 #100 Liquid Calories A few good points about digestion, then the Harvard Public Health recommendations.
3 #19 The Archevore Way of Eating, and #18: From Kurt G. Harris: limit wheat, excess fructose and Omega 6s.
4 #32 Artificial Sweeteners Useful, but I and those “in the know” use pure stevia, either powdered or liquid.
5 #25 Understanding Your Lipid Panel Solid, easy to understand basics re: cholesterol; a must read!
6 #64 Very Low Carb Eating, 10 Years Later Good, big picture data; also see #387 for “15 years on VLC.”
7 #35 The Diet Doctor and the LCHF Diet 6 years old but still good. Andreas Eenfeldt is the majordomo of LCHF.
8 #72 How to Fix Your Cholesterol Good basics on the lipid panel & Friedewald formula; see also #25 above.
9 #99 Natural History of Type 2 Diabetes Ralph DeFronzo’s description of the evolution/progression of T2DM.
10 #94 Eating Clean About the manifesto of Singaporeans who subscribe to a “clean” lifestyle, and read me.
11 #194 Live Fermented Foods Just a primer, but informative. See also my reply to an old follower’s comment.
12 #54 Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf, and Kurt Harris A couple of book reviews, and another paean to Dr. Harris.
13 #160 Letterman to Hanks: "...through diet, mostly" An example of how the media usually gets it wrong.
14 #30 Is Fructose Toxic to the Liver? With #29, covers the story; lots of stuff from Lustig’s “The Bitter Truth.”
15 #55 The Beleaguered Gary Taubes A defense of the “Insulin Hypothesis” by the “prime mover” of VLC.
16 #140 Peanuts, my nemesis Mostly relies on the Jaminets’ “Perfect Health Diet.” Note: I am still addicted.
17 #126 Do you live to eat or eat to live? Transitioning is difficult and ongoing, but possible. I am progressing.
18 #59  What I Eat and Why: The VLCKD The title says it all: Why I eat a Very Low Carb Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD)
19 #89 Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes, Revisited This is a sequel to my #1 most popular post #88. See also #380.
20 #33 Omental Adiposity Good basic information, especially for men with beer bellies, who look pregnant!
21 #83 The 8-hour Diet I don’t recommend this huckster’s “diet,” although Intermittent Fasting (IF) is good.
22 #9 Metabolic Syndrome A seminal post, 8 years old, and only 32nd most read. See also #334 and #335.
23 #122 Macronutrient Ratios and Calorie Restriction Loaded with specifics and a good, clear message.
24 #158 Demolishing the Saturated Fat Bogeyman An authoritative review from the British Medical Journal.
25 #152 Set Point Theory This column is much more than Set Point theory. It is loaded with goodies!
I’ve published 223 columns since the highest numbered one on this list! Not one is among my Top 35. Further study of “search engine optimization” will be required to learn why. I need to get more readers for some of what I’ve written in the last few years! There’re lots of good “poop” out there that’s going on a fallow field.


  1. This is really so informative.Thank you so much for your helpful post
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  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Helen. I think I fixed it. At least it works for me now. Please let me know if it works for you too.

  4. I had no idea that I had type II diabetes. I was diagnosed at age 50, after complaining to my doctor about being very tired. There is no family history of this disease. I'm a male and at the time of diagnosis, I weighed about 215. (I'm 6'2")Within 6 months, I had gained 30 to 35 pounds, and apparently the diabetes medicines (Actos and Glimiperide) are known to cause weight gain. I wish my doctor had mentioned that, so I could have monitored my weight more closely. I was also taking metformin 1000 mg twice daily December 2017 our family doctor started me on Green House Herbal Clinic Diabetes Disease Herbal mixture, 5 weeks into treatment I improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case blurred vision, frequent urination, or weakness
    Visit Green House Herbal Clinic official website www. greenhouseherbalclinic .com. I am strong again and able to go about daily activities.‌ This is a breakthrough for all diabetes sufferers

    1. Mary, sir: It is sad for me to see you dependent on an outside resource, that costs money, to treat a disease that can be treated by taking responsibility yourself for what you eat. Type 2 diabetes is a DIETARY disease, pure and simple. The carbohydrates you eat, or rather don't eat -- not the herbal medicines you buy and take -- is all that is required to "treat" type 2 diabetes. Don't waste you money on "herbal mixtures."

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Clipping. I hope you read some of them -- not just advertising. This is a non- commercial site.

  6. I am ambivalent. Is the kind compliment more of a massage to my ego than the very long, self-serving advertisement by the commentor. It certainly taints the nice words and dilutes its effect.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. طراحی لوگو تمام اطلاعات لازم در ریوال آنلای را در یک نگاه به مشتری می دهد.

    تمام برندهای معروف را از گذشته تا امروز به یاد بیاورید! طراحی لوگوی این برندها یکی از خلاقانه ترین ابزارها برای ارائه محصولات و خدمات آنها بوده است.

    در واقع، یک طراحی موفق لوگو به شما کمک می کند از لوگوی خود به عنوان سلاحی برای هدف قرار دادن ذهن مشتریان در یک نگاه و نشان دادن هویت خود به آنها استفاده کنید.

  10. شرکت لوگووین یک تیم حرفه ای در حوزه های مختلف طراحی سایت و سئو و طراحی لوگو و ... می باشد.

    همکاری با شرکت ها سازمان ها و افراد مختلف از کشورهای بزرگ دنیا این آژانس را تبدیل به یک صادر کننده ایده,خلاقیت و هنر به خارج از مرزهای کشور کرده است.

  11. آژانس طراحی و تبلیغات جاسینا می تواند به انواع مختلف مشاغل، از جمله مشاغل کوچک و متوسط تا شرکت های بزرگ، خدمات ارائه دهد. این تیم حرفه ای همچنین می توانند به مشاغل در صنایع مختلف، از جمله خرده فروشی، خدمات مالی، فناوری و غیره، خدمات ارائه دهند.
    برخی از خدمات این آژانس عبارتند از:

    * طراحی گرافیکی
    * طراحی وب سایت
    * بازاریابی محتوا
    * تبلیغات آنلاین
    * تبلیغات آفلاین
    * روابط عمومی
    منبع :

  12. مطالب شما در مورد دیابت نوع 2 واقعاً آموزنده و کاربردی بود. اگر نیاز به حمل دارو یا تجهیزات پزشکی دارید، ما در شرکت نمایندگی کشتیرانی دروازه طلایی دریای نور خدمات حمل و نقل کالای خطرناک ارائه می‌دهیم.
