In the beginning, there were the hunters and the gatherers. In
the History of Nutrition this was the Paleolithic Era, hence the Paleo Diet. In
most cultures, men hunted and women and children gathered food as it was
available to them. Early humans adapted to periods of feasting and starvation
(fed and fasting states, in dieting terms).
We humans were of necessity omnivorous. It was a survival
thing. We ate every part of the animals we were lucky or skilled enough to trap,
club or impale. Every part of the animal (or fish), including the organ meats
(offal), the blood, and even the marrow within the bone cavity, was eaten. Some
of us still enjoy these foods today.
We also ate the things we could gather from in-season fruit
trees and vines, and the leaves, roots and fungi that didn’t kill us. It was a
trial and error thing. We learned that to survive we had to take risks, both in
hunting and gathering, and to make the most of what was available. This is why
children have a natural aversion or “distaste” for “new” foods and only
increase the scope of what they will eat as they mature. Remember when you
wouldn’t eat x – fill in the blank. For me, it was Brussels sprouts, which
today I love, especially tossed in olive oil and roasted.
Then, as we became more “civilized” and gathered together for
socialization and protection, we wandered about less. This undoubtedly fostered
the beginnings of agriculture. We saw that cereal grains, that is, the seed
heads of grasses such as corn, wheat, and rice, grew naturally where nature
planted them. We reasoned, why wander about when we could plant our food supply
and water and cultivate and harvest it where we lived? This also enabled us to
build more permanent shelters and live in fertile places with good fresh water
supplies and abundant game and vegetative life. We also learned that we could
catch certain animals and domesticate them for a steady food supply as they
multiplied naturally in captivity. Wunderbar! Surely, this was a milestone of
human evolution.
Could life get any better? Perhaps. But, in the view of many students
of these developments, this was also the beginning of mankind’s downfall,
nutritionally speaking. It was the dawn of the onset of the age that was to
bring us the dreaded Diseases of Civilization. It was the advent of the
Neolithic Age, and it began about 10,000 years ago.
Fast forward to about 150 years ago. William Banting¹, in 1863 a retired London undertaker, wrote and published a
16-page pamphlet titled Letter on
Corpulence – Addressed to the Public. In it, the 5-foot 5-inch, 200-pound
Banting – surely a fat man – described a program of eating in which he “scrupulously
avoided eating any…food that might contain either sugar or starch.” On
Banting’s diet, he ate 5 or 6 ounces of meat or fish at each of three meals
every day, together with a fair amount of wine and spirits, avoiding altogether
“bread, milk, beer, sweets and potatoes.” Banting lost about 50 pounds in 18 months. His
pamphlet became a best seller in England and on the Continent.
Banting credited his diet to William Harvey, an aural surgeon in London who had
recently been to Paris where he had heard the great French physiologist Claude
Bernard debate on diabetes. Voila! So, there you have it.
Now, fast forward again to about 50 years ago, to include the
impact of the Industrial Revolution, the new roller-milling technology for making
flour, trans-fat-loaded Crisco and “vegetable” oils made from soy beans and
On January 13, 1961, Ancel Keys, an assertive University of
Minnesota physiologist (after whom WWII’s K-Rations were named), was on the
cover of Time Magazine. Since the 30’s Keys had been interested in the
influence of diet on health. His epidemiological work on the etiology of heart
disease would later be published in his 2nd seminal tract, the “Seven Countries
Study” (Harvard University Press, 1980). In it he advanced his hypothesis
associating saturated fat and dietary cholesterol with heart disease. This was the
genesis of the Diet-Heart (Lipid) Hypothesis.
Keys’ Lipid hypothesis led the nation and the world to the
Low-Fat diet. Lamentably, the study was later discovered to have been “cherry
picked.” It will be the subject of the third essay of this series, but first will
be a primer for non-scientists (and physicians) on “The Basics of Nutrition:
Macronutrients, Vitamins, Minerals and Phytochemicals.”
¹ “Prologue: A Brief History of Banting”
from Gary Taubes’ Good Calories – Bad
Calories, 2007, Alfred A. Knopf
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