Ancel Keys, a prominent University of Minnesota physiologist
who was keenly interested in diet and nutrition, was attending a medical
conference in Rome in 1951 where he learned that “heart disease was rare in
some Mediterranean populations who consumed a lower fat diet.” He noted, too,
that “the Japanese had low fat diets and low rates of heart disease. He
hypothesized from these observations that fat was the cause of heart disease.”¹ These observations and associations about
dietary fat have since come to be known as the Lipid Hypothesis.
two years later, Keys, now convinced
that dietary fat was the cause of
heart disease, published his “Six Country Analysis” (1953), an epidemiological
study. Years later, with his hypothesis now firmly entrenched, he published an
updated version (Harvard University Press, 1980) as the “Seven Countries
Study.” In this study Keys points out an association
between dietary fat and mortality from heart disease. Critics pointed out then,
and with increasing traction today, that Keys had data for 22 countries, but
selected data from just 6 (later 7). As an example, Keys excluded France, a
country with a high fat diet and low rates of heart disease. His detractors
then and now claim that Keys had selected only data to support his hypothesis,
and that that was bad science.
Further, his was a retrospective
analysis, not a prospective study,
and thus did not prove causality. This
distinction is an important and fundamental precept of scientific
investigation, but one that is often overlooked by the media and lay public.
the American Heart Association (AHA), founded in 1924 by cardiologists, had
“re-invented” itself in 1948 as a fundraising organization. In 1956 their TV
fundraiser on all three networks (that was all there was at the time) urged
Americans to reduce their intake of total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
Then, when President Eisenhower had his first heart attack in 1958, the AHA
recommended Americans eat “heart-healthy” margarine, corn oil, breakfast cereals
and skim milk, a diet that the President (and millions of us) unhappily complied
most “health-conscious” Americans still largely follow this diet, perhaps with
the exception of margarine, which was basically a partially hydrogenated
vegetable oil made with trans fats.
We are now told, and I certainly agree, that trans fats are really bad for us. But, we still (many of us) largely avoid
eggs, butter, marbled beef and other fatty cuts of meat, and high-cholesterol-containing
foods like liver and shrimp (and eggs, butter and cream!).
by 1961 Ancel Keys was on the Board of the AHA, the AHA had adopted Keys’s low-fat
diet, and Ancel Keys made the cover of Time
Magazine under the banner “Diet and Health.” Fat became public health enemy
same year the famous Framingham Heart Study, another epidemiological study of
5209 people begun in 1949, noted that men under 50 with elevated serum (blood) cholesterol
were at greater risk of heart disease. However, these men were also more likely
to smoke, be overweight, not exercise, and, although not noted, have high blood
sugar. These first three observations became the famous “risk factors” that, to
this day, are the mantra of the the public health establishment, the medical
community, and the media who trumpet it. Little noted was the finding that for
men over 50 there was no association
between elevated serum cholesterol and heart disease.
were, of course, opposing voices in the medical community, including senior researchers
at Rockefeller and Yale and the U. of Pennsylvania. They and others pointed out
that elevated triglycerides (and low HDL) were associated with increased risk
of heart disease and that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets caused elevated triglycerides, but their findings were disregarded
and their voices ignored. By 1972 the federal government’s WIC program only
allowed skim or low-fat milk for kids over age 2. The die was cast. We had
started down the road of government Dictocrats intervening in what we eat.
Still more ominous interventions were to come. Stay tuned.
The Timeline History of Heart Disease in this and succeeding columns draws
heavily from a piece by the same title published by Diet Heart Publishing at
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