In 2002, to get me to lose weight, my doctor,
largely by accident, effectively discovered a “cure” for my type 2 diabetes. It
was, beneficially, a “side effect” of losing weight easily and without hunger.
In this post I will recount my doctor’s stunning discovery of this “cure” and
how my adoption of this “treatment”
evolved over the years.
I was diagnosed a type 2 diabetic in 1986. For the first 16
years my diabetes was treated, according to the ADA’s Standards of Medical
Practice, as a “progressive” disease. I ate, according to the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, a “balanced” diet and was encouraged to exercise
regularly. My doctor monitored my blood sugar and prescribed oral medications
in increasing doses. Eventually, I was “maxed out” on two classes of oral meds
and had started a third. I knew that when I maxed out on it, my doctor would advise
me I had “graduated”
to injecting insulin.
Then, in 2002, after reading Gary Taubes’s NYT Magazine cover
story, “What If It's All Been a Big Fat Lie,” my doctor
suggested I try the diet Taubes described to lose weight. As I was
leaving his office, my doctor said, “This might even help your diabetes.” It
did. In the 1st week, to
avoid hypos, I had to eliminate or decrease all the
anti-diabetic meds I was taking. I
eliminated one and decreased the other 2 by
half, TWICE. The diet described was a Very Low Carb
diet, just 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. Incidentally, I followed it
strictly for 9 months and lost 60 pounds.
With that diet, I counted carbs. I created an Excel table,
wrote down everything I ate, just estimating the carb content. Then, four years
later, over the summer, I regained 12 pounds, so I began a different program.
This time I raised my daily carb intake to 30 grams and also counted protein,
fat and total calories, again recording everything I ate. In the next year I
lost 100 pounds and, a little later, 20+ more. Then, after a while, I STOPPED COUNTING. It was a lot of
Over the ensuing years I re-gained and re-lost some, using
the same principles I learned in the beginning. That included Macronutrient
Ratios for food ingested that were a part of the Very Low Carb eating patterns on
which I started. The ratios varied somewhat but they were always “Ketogenic.” I
settled on 5% carb, 20% protein and 75% fat, mostly
saturated and monounsaturated. On 1,200kcal/day
that’s 15g of carbs, 60g of protein and 100g of fat. On such a Very Low Carb, HUNGER DISAPPEARS. You don’t need to eat more because, with
a low blood INSULIN level, your body
has access to its own fat for energy balance. But you have to EAT less fat for your
body to burn BODY fat.
A couple of years ago, while struggling to lose some
“re-gain,” I gave up breakfast. I
wasn’t hungry at breakfast. I had been eating 2 eggs/2 strips of
bacon, then just 3 eggs, with coffee and heavy cream. I kept the coffee and
cream. Later, I also gave up lunch.
Eating VLC, I wasn’t hungry at lunch either. Lunch had been a small
tin of sardines in EVOO, or kippered herring in brine. But I stalled, even
on One Meal a Day. I was still eating too much
About a year ago I began full-day fasting. It was suggested
to me on Facebook by Megan Ramos, IDM Program Director at Jason Fung’s practice
in Toronto. Originally on alternate days (Tue & Thu), it soon evolved to
2-day and then 3-consecutive day fasts. My fast is not a true water fast. It
includes the coffee with cream taken with morning pills and a red wine spritzer
(5oz red wine + 8oz seltzer) with evening pills. Total 300kcal/day. I lost 60+
pounds, and my A1c dropped from 5.8% to 5.0%. Occasionally I cheated a little
(I’m not perfect, LOL), but Metformin handled it.
Most recently I added an after-supper apple cider vinegar
“cocktail” to the mix. I got the idea at the first Keto Dudes
Festival in 2017. In my wine glass I add 1 Tb Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, a
dash of bitters and a couple drops of liquid stevia. I then add ice cubes,
swirl the mix and fill the glass with seltzer. My FBG this morning was 87mg/dl,
and 18 years after starting Very Low Carb, I have maintained
a “non-diabetic” A1c and a more
than 150-pound weight loss.
Make no mistake about it: Type 2 Diabetes
IS REVERSIBLE. To be clear
though, while it is REVERSED, it is NOT CURED. It is IN
STANDARDS OF MEDICAL PRACTICE, there is no simple blood test (fasting or A1c),
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