Weight loss strategies are full of advice to control portion
size…but nobody wants to measure! So, instead of a scale, we are counseled to
use a clenched fist to estimate a protein portion. We are told to use a small
plate because then a full plate makes the serving size look bigger. Both
devices work, but if you continue to eat a “restricted calorie,”
“balanced” diet, full of nutrient-poor, high-carbohydrate, “processed”
foods, you’re still going to be hungry.
Alternatively, if you are eating a Low Carbohydrate diet, you can fill your small plate with
energy-dense protein and fat, and one or two low-glycemic veggies (carbohydrates),
and you will feel full and remain
sated for a longer time.
And if you are eating a Very
Low Carb diet, you can eat these same healthy foods…or not. That is, you can skip a meal without hunger
and save both time and money. Case in point: I am never hungry at “breakfast.”
Eating three meals a day is a social construct and a cultural
habit. We’ve been told (by the cereal and juice makers) that it’s important to “start
the day off well with a big breakfast” and “breakfast is the most important
meal of the day.” And guess what? It’s usually all carbohydrates,
like fruit juice, cereals with milk and added sugar, or sugar-laden yogurt or
bread (made from flour, water and sugar), with jelly, or tea with honey.
Result: our blood sugar spikes, then crashes, and it’s mid-morning
snack time and then lunchtime, so we scarf down more carbs. By mid-afternoon, our blood sugar crashes again and it’s
time for a nap…or a snack (candy bar,
Do you see a pattern here? Einstein said, “Insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” Well, maybe a diet of 3 carb-heavy meals a day, plus
snacks – a diet that is 55% to 60% carbs, or higher – is the problem!
Maybe a change in what and when we eat, or even why we eat, would fix that
For me, portion control begins with the 3 precepts (Hat tip
to Diet Doctor): 1) Eat strictly a Low Carb Diet, 2) Eat only when hungry and 3) Use Intermittent
Fasting as needed to reach and
maintain a stable weight.
Here are a few practical tips that I use that you might want to
1) For “Breakfast,” I have “downsized” and just drink a medium-sized
mug of coffee with my morning pills. I add
a dash of stevia powder and a small pour of heavy
cream to color and flavor the brew. I now get 3 weeks per quart, at about
1½ oz/pour (150kcal). If you eat them (I don’t anymore), eggs & bacon are portion
controlled. Cereals are not.
2) For “Lunch,” if
I eat lunch, I eat from tins: a tin of
kippered herring in brine, or Brisling sardines in olive oil or water. The small tin limits the meal, and it is all protein and healthy fats. Alternatively,
I might have a hardboiled egg or two.
3) During the day I only drink a beverage that will not raise my blood sugar. I drink
cold-brewed iced tea, “sweetened” with liquid stevia. I have tested this drink
multiple times and it does not
raise my blood sugar.
4) For “Supper,” if I am not
fasting, I eat two small, pasture-raised lamb chops (an 8-rib rack provides 2
meals for 2 people), or half an 8oz
Sam’s Club filet mignon, or one chicken breast or a thin-sliced pork chop. We
also share a low-glycemic vegetable, either tossed in butter or roasted in
olive oil, or a salad with my
homemade vinaigrette dressing.
5) For a supper beverage, I prefer one or two 5oz portions of
red wine in a glass filled with seltzer. I know it’s only 5oz because I always get 5 pours from a 750ml (25.36oz)
bottle. Sometimes I have our cold-brewed iced tea instead.
6) If I have an “nervous eating” urge to eat after supper, I
use the wine glass for a Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail: 1 Tbs of vinegar,
a few dashes of bitters, and several drops of liquid stevia; add ice, swirl and
fill the glass with seltzer.
you’re not hungry most or virtually
all the time, as you are NOT when
you eat Very Low Carb, then portion control will be…ahem, a piece of
YOU’RE NOT THINKING ABOUT FOOD. And, about that piece of cake; you
won’t crave it. You can enjoy cake or ice cream on special occasions,
but you won’t NEED a carb snack to keep from falling asleep. You’ll be full of
pep and “vinegar.” ;-)
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