“Hungry or Undernourished?” is what I would call a BIG
question. It is way out of my league to propose a scientific answer or even
describe the parameters of a proper study. I will venture, however, to tackle
the matter as an opinion piece: I think it can be parsed into at least two
different lines of reasoning, and I will attempt to posit and briefly explore
them. I welcome informed comments from my erudite readers.
Proposition #1: We will eat until
our STOMACH IS FULL. This is the “common sense”
hypothesis; we have all experienced it. When we are “full,” we stop eating. Of
course, there are lots of exceptions. We sometimes eat for other reasons, e.g.,
“nervous” or compulsive eating. There’s also taste and palatability. See this
link to carbohydrate-induced overeating (in rats). Lay’s potato
chips captured this with the memorable meme, “Bet you can’t eat just one!”
There is a large body of new evidence that the “until full”
hypothesis is hormonal. Hunger is regulated by a small organ in the
brain, the hypothalamus, which gets signals to induce eating from ghrelin,
a hormone produced in the lining of the stomach. and shuts down when another
hormone, leptin, signals that hunger has been satisfied. Ghrelin was
only discovered in 1999 and appears to have other functions as well. And
“leptin resistance,” as a cause of obesity, is still a mystery. So, this is why
the hormonal hypothesis of “eating until full” is also just a hypothesis.
Proposition #2: We are “driven” to
eat until the body has met its requirements for ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS.
If this sounds like a tautology, let me explain. It is, of course, more nuanced,
and at this point in the state of nutrition science, little is known. The
theory is that it is what we eat, not
how much, that determines when the body is satisfied and hunger stops.
Ergo, if your diet consists primarily of nutrient-poor components, aka
processed carbs, you will need to
continue to eat until your body gets everything it needs.
These essential nutrients include the both macronutrients
and micronutrients. The macros are fats,
broken down to fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated (monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated), proteins (broken
down to their 22 amino acids), and carbohydrates,
including simple sugars and longer chains of glucose (starches). The
micronutrients are vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, many or which are as
yet unknown.
A few of the amino acids from protein are essential,
meaning the body cannot make them, and we therefore must get them from food. A
few of the fatty acids from polyunsaturated fat, specifically Omega
3’s and Omega 6’s, are also essential. We must “eat” them or take
a supplement. No carbohydrate – repeat, NO CARBOHYDRATE
My recollection is that this second line of reasoning is
suggested in such very good books as “The Perfect Health Diet,” by Paul and Shou-Ching
Jaminet, and Catherine Shanahan’s “Deep Nutrition.” It is a rational hypothesis, and
I am biased in favor of it in part because the science re: essential fats and essential
amino acids is pretty well established, particularly how their absence is
detrimental to human health. As such, the body takes care of itself until we
get them
It also appeals to me because it supports the idea that all dietary carbohydrates, while a good
source of quick energy, are not
essential nutrients in the human diet. When carbs are not available to eat, our
bodies are designed to make all the glucose it needs from protein and fat,
through gluconeogenesis. The body also produces ketone bodies (brain food) from
fat, and it uses stored glucose (glycogen in the liver) and gets additional
glucose from the animal products we eat (intramuscular glycogen and from organ
meats like liver some of us eat). Admittedly there still isn’t a lot of evidence
to support this hypothesis. Philosophically, though, it appeals to me. I believe
the body takes care of itself.
If I had to guess, I’d hedge my bet by
speculating that the ultimate answer will involve or combine these two hypotheses.
In the meantime, we can be guided by what we “know” and eat with the knowledge
that our bodies will determine how much we need to eat and what a
healthy diet is. I find my body likes it best when I eat mostly
“healthy” fats (saturated and monounsaturated), and moderate amounts of protein
from eggs and pastured meats and poultry and wild-caught fish. I try my best to
avoid polyunsaturated fats (all “vegetable” oils) altogether and since I am
Insulin Resistant (34 years a diagnosed type 2 diabetic), I try to eat as few
carbohydrates as possible.
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